
Truly the highest of the lowest bar. 

The biggest difference I see between Warren and Biden on this is, she answered the issue directly, while he dribbled out some poll-tested mushy-center elitist bullshit.

It is generally a mistake to think that coal miners actually love coal mines.

Ah yes. Going to Ireland after meeting the Queen of England and the Royal Family and getting wasted at a pub near a hotel and golf course that has your name on it while it’s all paid for on the taxpayer’s dime.

Yet again, the best candidate. 

“She made a mistake concerning her heritage! UNFORGIVABLE! OUTRAAAAAGE!”

“She’s a nerd! I don’t like all that smart talk! I want someone who breathes fire and fury and inspires me, not someone who has detailed, well-articulated, and actionable plans to solve a number of systemic issues plaguing the nation!”

“She’s a

The DNA thing was stupid but the fact that people are clinging so hard to what amounts as a gaffe, while excusing more abhorrent behavior from other frontrunners, is straight up misogyny.

She really does. She was an early frontrunner for me, and I specifically didn’t want to commit to anything because I felt like my mind could change, but really every single day she gets more and more solid. When I envision a Warren presidency, I see EXACTLY what I want for our future.

She’s the candidate I wanted in 2016 and the best hope we have to at least delay our inevitable demise. On policy, she’s the best mainstream candidate of my entire life.

In the correct version of reality, Warren is already president. We were hoping for the Diet Tab version of that reality and looking forward to getting stuck with Hillary.

She’s certainly my pick for President at the moment.

I love Warren. I will vote in the General for whoever wins the primary, but in the primary, I will be voting for Warren.

Every time I hear Senator Warren speak—or read one of her policy papers—I become further convinced that she’s the best candidate in the Democratic field.

Unfortunately, too many folks are focused on her DNA test kerfuffle to see the strength of policy, rhetorical ability, and general wherewithal she brings to the

It’s syndicated; it aired this morning in one single place. In nearly all of the rest of the country it airs tonight. Dan knows this; all the writers know this, and I’m sure this was a decision discussed in their Slack. They just want to get to yell “NERDS!” at everyone who’s irritated with this.

Jeez, a little spoiler alert for those of us not in Little Rock? Thanks a lot assholes.

If you haven’t been watching until this point, seems odd to think that you’re somehow the target audience here.

Sorry but to call Drake a highly vocal Raptors fan really downplays what he really is, which is a cancer on the sideline. Funny shirts are one thing, but verbally taunting the players in a highly aggressive manner from a foot away, and feeling it’s his place to, like, go rub the coach’s shoulders during play time??

He’s just cranky because he’s outside his bubble, out in the big wide world, where Faux News isn’t classified as news because it isn’t news.

I said this on the Gizmodo article, but it bears repeating: Only a size-obsessed narcissist like Trump would think “short” is a devastating insult. He gives away his own insecurities in a hundred little projections.

He rented it to a family with a 5-year old expecting them to keep it in “pristine” condition. HAHAHAHAHA. As a dad who actually knows kids, that’s really rich.