
On top of their stellar product development team, they also have a stellar marketing team that copied their logo from a UK bike company:

Jesus, even comparing the recession of 2008 and 9/11 is a huge stretch.

“It tastes like burning!

So far so good...

I was listening to a radio program discussing the idea of free college. They had probably 6 callers and of those 5 were military. All of the military people went to college on the GI bill and had no debt but were adamantly against any sort of free college for anyone else.

Yeah, he doesn’t even pass the “guy i’d like to have a beer with” test.

And while we’re at it we may want to look into those emails again. 

Made the mistake of listening to his podcast just to check in on the right and see what they’re up to.

That can’t be real...

What the hell happened to Rand Paul? That dude became a trump stooge quicker than anyone. Was he always this spineless or does trump have the tape of him getting his ass kicked by a different neighbor that he doesn’t want leaked?

My first guess was Dan Bilzerian. Guessing it was some dude showing off a little too much on social media. 

Maybe we should just start a list of crimes he hasn’t committed?

My bad, I was fired up and my sarcasm meter wasn’t working properly

Best case scenario for him is that he’s an imbecile (very true) and inept at running a business (also very true).

Contrary to what rush and hannity want you to believe, obstruction is a very real crime that people go to jail/prison for.

Sunglasses hot take: When holding little kids (under 2) back of neck is the only acceptable location. Only place those grubby little hands can’t get to.

Thanks for ruining that for me. All hope is lost. 

I’ve been hearing a lot about the sergeant-at-arms the last couple weeks. I picture him dressed like a Vatican guard and refuse to believe otherwise. 

Hey, Eric Wu and I went to the same high school, I’m tangentially famous!!

Considering the trump resorts are effectively subsidized by the government we should all be pissed that our mismanaged federal money isn’t even being used effectively. Come on Donny, if we’re paying for your dumbass resorts at least keep the pool clean!!!