
One more reason I’m backing Warren in the primary. Beyond articulating and actually delivering actionable policy proposals, she’s also not afraid to take a stand and stick to it (absent contravening evidence, anyhow).

I don’t doubt for a second that Senator Sanders has the wisdom required to understand the difficulties

It absolutely doesn’t help you remember which is which, but if you feel like looking it up I always enjoy this meme:

I just hope that playing down there doesn’t mess up the rotation on his shot. 

It’s not that great a perk. Per NCAA bylaws, they’re only allowed two ears of corn per week.

This is a smart decision. He’ll get to play against arguably better overall competition in a league whose structure and approach to games is more similar to the NBA.

Let’s see, get paid well to play basketball and spend 6 months in Auckland or don’t get paid to play and spend 6 months in Lawrence Kansas ? Seems like a pretty easy decision to me. The idea that this ruined the mornings of Bill Self or Coach K gives me a nice warm feeling inside 

To be fair, this wouldn’t have been a problem in the NCAA, either.

The House will continually tell everyone that he’s lawless and a dangerous person with authoritarian proclivities and maybe write a few strongly worded letters.

What are the consequences for non-compliance?

What are the consequences for non-compliance? Congress can say “you must do this” or “you’re required by law to do that”, but if there are no legal consequences for not complying, these laws are meaningless. I’ve heard of the possibility of a $25,000/day fine for Mnuchin, which is either a rounding error on his

You could remove the tax deductibility of the donations, but that’s only going to shrink the pie a bit, because most rich people would just view this as a 25-35% (or whatever their marginal tax rate is)increase in the cost of lobbying efforts that are easily worth multiples of that.

Second thing, the Blazing Saddles clip reminds me: Robyn Hilton was really great in her role in that movie.

The “real” ending will be what I’ve said it will be all along.

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:

You came with receipts... Glad to see 

That’s because those regressive and unhealthy states also, generally speaking, have terrible educational systems.  This makes the ignorant populace easier to dupe.

But wait! There’s more!

I’m going to say the odds are somewhere between zero and absolutely fucking never.

What are the odds your ocelot friend actually reads any of that?

I’m glad you asked: