
Yep especially since he was lobbing insults at all of our closest allies the day before meeting with them

Man, I can’t believe I made it all the way down to this repetitive conversation, but is this really the hill you want to die on? The fact that California  wants cars that pollute less? I can kind of see where you’re coming from but with all of the other issues in our government regarding states vs. federal rights is

hahah of course they want someone else to pay for this little vacation. Maybe that was the invoice that was dropped off in that large mysterious envelope at the oval office?? No wonder the other guy had such a sly smile on his face.

Taken at face value, this meeting seems to be a step in the right direction. We’re having talks with a country that has been a global threat for decades. If we can get some sort of peace out of it that would be great for everyone, and as much as it pains me to say it, I would give Trump some credit for the deal.

I say the same thing when people bring up Oprah running. I’ll never vote for a billionaire. You don’t become a billionaire by being a good person.

Give it up with all this standing bullshit, it’s so exhausting. Can’t believe anyone believes the shit that comes out of his mouth:

Oh god, he’ll fit right in:

For sure you can! They also circulate the warm water in the toilet seat so your throne is always warm when you sit down.

Until you use one it’s hard to explain. I was in South Korea where they are standard in all of the hotels. They have the nice ones too, heated water + heated seat, multiple settings/strengths and different patterns for men’s and women’s needs.

Ha, I clicked the link to watch the video (I’m a glutton for punishment) and a Gavin Newsom for governor add played before the clip.

I’m no rigging expert but the first thing to catch my eye was how that glass holder was attached to the cable. Pretty sure you aren’t supposed to use 3 shackles and what appears to be a grannie knot to attach 800 lbs to a cable! Just saying

Every time I tell a person I’ll never vote a rich person into office regardless of party they’re always shocked.

Just googled Rachel to see who she was... Apparently I should get her help re-writing my resume.

I posted this elsewhere but thought it bears repeating:

I tried to dig a little bit but I couldn’t find anything. Looks like Rohrabacher sued for $20k then the landlord countersued for $20k and that’s the last I saw of it. It looks like there is more to the story but it sort of just drops off from there.

I saw that lead picture and thought, that guy looks like a weasel. Then I remembered where I saw him last.

Yeah let’s file this one under “Not Surprised”.

I know a lot of people look at Rugby as a “safe” alternative to football. I’ve played a little rugby and it’s a violent ass game as well. Does anyone know if they are having the same epidemic of terrible long term head injuries?

Seriously. I don’t know why it’s taken this long but this might be the straw that broke my NFL watching back. People have been saying that the NFL can’t be the most popular league forever, which was hard to imagine given the growth in popularity over the last 10 years, but maybe it’s time to hand over the reigns to

There is one reason I’ve always been very skeptical about this NK thing and why I think nothing will end up coming from it. Can you imagine the kind of upheaval that is going to occur if the North Koreans find out their government has been fucking them over for the past 60 years??