
Yeah I think that’s one of the things lost in all of this. Even if we do meet with the guy and work out some sort of peace, he’s still a murderous dictator who had family members killed and does things like kill government workers with anti-aircraft guns.

Casual boxing fan here. 500 amateur fights?! Is that a normal amount? That seems insane to me. Thats a fight every other week for 20 years! Does that include little 3 round bouts that aren’t all that strenuous or are a lot of those 10 round battles??

I love how selective the Republicans are in the States vs. Federal rights debate.

This is an age old human problem. The people with money (or power) get what they want at the expense of the masses.

As a person who missed Carlin when he was in his prime, the dude really did have some visionary ideas!!!

Yep. Keep your head down and work like crazy. You can splurge on a $10 bottle of wine once a month (Don’t even think about doing it twice a month). Drive a used car. Don’t travel. Don’t live in a city that is deemed as desirable by most and has the majority of high paying jobs (most of CA, a lot of the east cost,

So this is him trying to distance himself so that when shit hits the fan he can say “See? I told you so!!”?

Jesus why can’t he just come out and say something straight forward. This is like when your friend from high school posts some bullshit update on facebook, “You have to roll with the punches. I got knocked down but I’ll get back up. 2018 is the year of me”

Yeah sometimes ignorance is bliss when it comes to meat. I think one of the realest things I’ve ever seen regarding the slaughtering of animals was on one of the reality shows that followed a family in Alaska (I believe they were related to Jewel).

I couldn’t help but laugh at this part either. So does anti-establishment now mean continuing to overrule states rights time after time in favor of a stronger federal government??? EPA, immigration, DACA, infrastructure plans, auto emission standards... Just a few of the ways they are showing how anti-establishment

Good to know a weak ass apology will absolve me from my next crime:

Can someone explain to me why Anna Wintour still has so much pull? I mean is Vogue really that significant anymore? To an outsider it really seems like people bend over backward to not get on her bad side. Also, is she the real life version of “A Devil Wears Prada”?

How insane is this Trump vendetta against CA smog rules???

Yeah, you just didn’t want it enough. That’s the only thing holding you (and me) back from owning.

AMEN. Not sure why more people don’t talk about this. I see real estate in Orange County purchased after a day on the market for 5% over asking by people that never have and never will live in it. I’m fine with companies/investors buying up real estate zoned as apartments or multi-family but when you have normal ass

As much as it pains me to give trump or his crew any credit I’m afraid you might be right. I have to imagine that one of Trumps lawyers told Rudy to drop this. Although, Hannity’s reaction says a lot. You can tell he’s picking his jaw up off the floor when Rudy drops the part about paying back Cohen.

I wish you were wrong but the longer this goes on the more I agree with you. When I first read the book “Collusion” by Luke Harding I thought for sure there is no way this guy survives the year. Here we are 2 years into his term and I basically tell people there is little to no chance anything sticks.

I love (hate) listening to his show on the radio for a few minutes when I’m driving to lunch, just to hear how many times he can cram Fusion GPS, “Bought and paid for”, “acid washed hard drive”, Clinton, Clinton foundation, Uranium one, Benghazi, etc, into one of his rants. Never ceases to amaze me that MILLIONS of

No wonder her and Clay Travis get along so well. They’re both garbage.

Yeah 10 years ago I would have said genius. This shit just makes me shake my head.