
gonna be honest this is the first “how would you treat this if the genders were reversed” comment I’ve agreed with. They’re normally not argued in good faith but, in this case, the author defo needs to rethink this take

Neil Patrick Harris generally seems kind of like a dick but uh, what a weird thing to take away from his story.

That is a strange article, like it almost sounds like we’re supposed to feel bad that Whoopi was put in an awkward situation for making a very inappropriate remark to a child? If the genders were reversed, I think we would be treating this differently.

That tribute was amazing.  And so was the toga dress with the gold strappy-straps, which I must have now.

Oh, holy shit. We’ve been watching Truaxe’s bipolar swings unfold on Insta for a while now, but this is very bad. We’re getting into psychosis here. All that weird name dropping, the idea of a massive criminal conspiracy - those are grandiose delusions. This can get into dangerous territory (like, legit life-and-limb

It wasn’t for nothing to me.  It was inspiring.  I hate that she felt like she had to do this, and I hate that she received so much shit for it, and I hate that her life has been upended.  But it wasn’t for nothing to me, and to my fellow assault survivors.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

I’m not an Asia fan (can’t really stand her TBH) but no one is to “blame” for Anthony choosing to end his life. Someone who chooses death by suicide is not in a healthy frame of mind and yes there are outside influences but ultimately it is the person’s decision (however sad and misguided it is).

Asia should have got a tattoo that said “don’t sleep with under age boys” to remind her not to sleep with underage boys.

It makes me sad that Anthony Bourdain got involved with someone who reeks of hot garbage as much as Asia Argento. He deserved better.

she’s revealing her experience to protect an abuser, and to put him in an even higher level of power.

Obama looks chill as fuck. 

There’s this picture of Barak Obama my crazy mother and her right wing people love to post of him when he’s really young smoking next to a gross looking young preppy Donald trump. I have no clue if it’s fake or whatever, but Obama is looking super cute. It definitely was not having the effect I think the right wingers

Hannah Gadsby comes to the rescue in the old “Separate the art from the artist” argument:

Everyone in this story is terrible. #TeamNoOne

The rapper, whose new song fucking rules who is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,

Palestinian Mexican American. This is the America I know. When those morons start spouting off about America is white and blond/blue-eyed, all I can think is bish where are you from? And life must be boring as hell for you. And I’m glad I’m not from there, because I need more variety on where I am going to eat than

Every last one of these horrid parents should be doxxed and suffer the consequences.  Read this yesterday on Reddit, and looked at all the screenshots of the comments.  Downright disgusting.  

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

My first inclination is to believe someone who says they were abused. But when the person says they have evidence of the abuse and refuses to produce that, that actually makes me question the veracity of the allegations. She also does not have to publicly release the tape. She could produce it to the investigating