
This is the first thing I thought, too. The topic doesn’t sound remotely memoir-worthy. It sounds like this book could have been just an interesting chapter, at most, in a much bigger memoir. Is the whole point to show that Onassis was kind of a cold, manipulative opportunist? Pretty sure we already knew that.

This. So fucking sick of the endless purity tests—not just here on Jez, by any stretch. God forbid someone who is using their platform to speak out about sexism and body shaming, but not in the exactly right way.

That is the most succinct truth about women in relation to religion I’ve ever heard.

I know the commonly held idea of Buddhism is that it’s all super chill and non-violent and rational, with the Dalai Lama as a sort of perfectly loving Jesus/Yoda figure, but in reality, the history of Buddhism includes a lot of violence and discrimination toward women. While the obtuse misogyny of his hot take on a

This case had made me want to scream and throw things ever since I first read about it. Your question is very much on point. The victim talked about how this piece of shit abducted her and she was positive he was about to murder her—which he nearly did, strangling her to the point of unconsciousness. Even if he had

I was a horror movie aficionado from childhood on, but something snapped over a decade ago after one too many J-horror movies. It was the movie Audition—a doozy—that did me in. I had an epiphany that I no longer want to place horrifying images in my brain that will haunt me forever, thanks.

I can’t help feeling despair when I read things like this. My situation isn’t exactly like yours, but the last paragraph was gut-punchingly familiar. Somehow women are so often on the hook in these domestic task-sharing situations in ways that are so damned if you do, damned if you don’t. We’re told not to nag and

et tu, Galadriel?  I can’t stand it.  :(

This to infinity. 


THIS. It seriously hurts my heart to watch her stammer out pathetic cliche after pathetic cliche. It’s valid to say that one does not have to presume that any and all accusations made against men by women are true, BUT HE FUCKING CONFESSED TO DOING THESE THINGS. And telling us we need to leave him alone because he

You and me both.

Yes she has talked about the trauma of the publicity and never getting closure. That trauma, weariness and exhaustion is completely understandable. But it’s interesting to blame the public or the legal system for that. The legal system was functioning as it should in trying to hold accountable the child predator who

God, I know. Invoking his wife and children—as if, once a child rapist embraces a mainstream family life, his past crimes are magically nullified? And what kind of “interesting” conversation is she imagining there, between the child rapist and his progeny? “Dad, did you drug and rape a 13 year old?” “Well, yes.” T

Interesting that we’re wondering what’s up with NPH here, but nobody’s bringing up the kabillion very fucked up things Whoopi’s said over the years. I’m Team Neither, in general, but I think it’s fair to say that they’re both pretty flawed.

My thoughts exactly.  He clearly needs help and I hope he gets it.  

This made me snortlol. Miller seems like a complete douchebag, but Tuffnut 4eva!


My thoughts exactly.  Not feeling a ton of empathy for a physician who enables a known con man, signs his name to a patient-dictated letter falsifying medical information, unethically/illegally discloses information about said patient’s prescribed medication, and describes feeling “raped” when the patient’s goons show

What a dipshit.