
I loved that every one of his panelists schooled him on this particular piece of idiocy, too. That’s not how free speech works, Bill. Of course, he still wrapped the discussion by pettily insisting that everyone else was wrong and he’s right, but that’s par for the course for him.

Seriously—how does one “blurt” anything for twenty fucking blocks?

Here’s a thought, Bono: perhaps some men feel like expressing more than just one thing. Perhaps the purported girly-ness of today’s music  is a reflection that some men and women actually have things to say that aren’t centered in explosive rage and anger. To sum up: you can fuck right off with your musical misogyny.

Counterpoint: Tiny cramped kitchens next to enclosed formal dining rooms where no one will ever eat except for maybe Thanksgiving dinner make the baby Jesus cry. Then again I’ve gone to about 4,000 open houses in the past four Sundays, so that might just be the PTSD talking.

Haha I had the exact same reaction to Nope Train to FTville. I might need to get that tattooed on the very least make it into a t-shirt.

I’m so glad you said this. It’s one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies, too. Love it.

Haha nope. Although imagining Mr. Cat Scratch Fever on the Kennedy Center stage is a fascinating idea....

Right? I mean how much would it suck to be an honoree during this presidency? Who would want to suffer through an evening in that nasty old fuck’s presence? I mean, other than Ted Nugent or Kid Rock?

I love that you called the “catch a wight” plan cockamamie b/c that was *exactly* what I shouted at my tv last night. It is literally the dumbest plan, and I’m pissed off that they’re insulting our intelligence with it. Other insult to our intelligence? That Bronn and Jaime, clad in armor, avoided drowning and swam

Yeah and no. I think this is, in large part, the demographic we see on these tiny house porn shows. On the other hand, in areas of the country where housing is cripplingly expensive, tiny houses might represent one’s best/only chance of actually owning a home.... 

I remember watching one episode of a tiny home show where, after moving in, the husband discovered that he was unable to stretch his arms out fully while putting on a shirt without hitting a bedroom wall. My prediction was that they wouldn’t last a year in that house....


I’m so sorry. That’s too horrible for words. 

That Kidman combo side-eye/eye roll is one for the ages.

Clint Eastwood makes *my* skin crawl, but this gif is a keeper.

So apropos

Also she fucking rocked the small but indelible role in Girls in that whole Shosh Goes to Tokyo storyline. I still giggle out loud when I think of the two of them sitting together getting the creepy fish pedicure. When Aidy yelps that the fish are going “raw dog” on her feet, I for some reason lose my shit. 

Yasss. I don’t love long flights, but I’ve taken Singapore Airlines on a couple of work trips, and I look forward to those trips. Since the company springs for business class, the quality of service is unreal. Kindness, thoughtfulness, anticipating needs, etc. Also, the food is really, really good. When I flew on

Holla! My patented conference call move is when I try to cover for my complete zoning out with such hilariously transparent feints as, “Sorry, you broke up for a second there...could you repeat the question?”

Pretty sure this is the best thing I’ll read today. Though it could have been even better had I pulled up some Barry White to play while reading.