
Better a safety pin than the red asshat you’re sporting

:( Earplugs.


Kathy Griffith is like that, too—refreshingly honest about her intent to make hay while the sun is shining. In the early days of her reality show, she said she’d basically play any gig if it covered her rate. There was some truly painful footage of her doing her stand-up at corporate conferences, etc., where she was

My husband downloaded the Pentatonix Christmas album onto my iphone. I don’t know why he did it, but I don’t think he did it as a cruel prank. I think he did it sincerely. It’s fucking awful. I don’t know how to make it go away from my phone, though. Maybe this will be the thing that makes me give up my

Seriously. Alcohol reduces inhibition, absolutely, but there was clearly underlying hostility and racism/xenophobia there in the first place. I’m so sick and fucking tired of the “alcohol transformed me into a monster!” defense.

I’ve had this thought often as I watch the show—how are there so incredibly many run-down/abandoned beautiful old homes in one town? And what happens when they run out? Will Chipjo be forced to relo to another town with strong inventory?

Right? You just know that if that fucker hadn’t been caught on tape saying this, he’d have denied, denied, denied ever saying it.

I was watching that—I think it was Ana Marie Cox/Wonkette who was speaking. And both the words of Crooks’ boyfriend and Cox’s own visceral response brought me to tears, too. It is indeed often the feelings of powerlessness and self-doubt that are the most traumatic in these situations. It’s the carried-forward

The woman at the end, asking just what he’s doing there, is my new imaginary BFF.

My cat hates to take baths—but I’ve never tried bathing him in baby chicks. Will report back.

Yeah, I’m a little bit wary of the St. Angelina theme. People are complicated, and I don’t assume she’s all bad, but it’s apparent that she can be fairly ruthless and even cruel—this, despite all of the work she’s done on a humanitarian level. The thing about getting involved with people who are already in

Word. To all of this.

I’m obsessed with her voice. Love Wye Oak but hadn’t even realized she has all these other projects. Yay, more Jenn Wasner!

“He did not hit his child in the face in any way. He did not do that; he is emphatic about that.”

THIS, all the way. I heart Eddie Izzard so much.

I love this story so much. I have never gotten over my son’s kindergarten trauma when he wore his favorite pants—pink leggings—to school one day and was mercilessly taunted by a boy in his class all day. I happened to be there, volunteering in art class that day and heard a little of it. I wanted to smack the kid who

You had men telling you that you shouldn’t get an epidural because apparently labor without agony is just not labor-y enough? Fuck them so very much. Also, p.s., they’re wrong. Epidural-having does not make labor a walk in the fucking park. Also, getting a needle inserted into your spine is less than fun. How did you

Same! I too am a fruit bat—especially in the summer. I’d wager that I consume a good pound or so per day of berries, plums, peaches, etc., and THAT feels like a lot. Trying to eat 25 pounds of fruit per day would be straight-up exhausting.

Just reading this story made me wince, imagining the diarrhea anyone who eats 25 POUNDS (?!?!) of basically pure fiber per day is going to experience.