
The more you know!

I don’t even get how anyone who wears professionally applied stage makeup avoids suffering from acne! Heavy makeup on my skin is instant bad news. wrt Alicia Keys, I wonder what came first. Did her acne subside because she gave up wearing makeup or did she start going without makeup because her acne subsided?

I hope you do it! I wish I had an idea as compelling (and personally meaningful) as that one.

Haha this is so close to how I felt about my last time on the playa, and how I’ve always suspected it would be if I went back. I was already seeing, in my last year or two out there, that the little moments of magic and random connection seemed fewer and farther between. People seemed more inclined to observe than to

Yep, this. I haven’t been back since 2010 but have a lot of friends who go every year, and I think your comment is spot on. While I’d wager that the asshole quotient has grown significantly in recent years (though there have *always* been some assholes out there), it sounds from what my friends tell me like they’re

Preach. I really enjoyed the series—flawed though it was. But yeah, about 2/3 of the way in, I turned to my husband and said, “Oh my God, enough with the dude’s feet and the cat already.”

You made me snort-laugh. Also the pulling-the-hair-out-of-throat scene in the trailer legit made me gag. New worst fear.

This was also my reaction. Good lord, am I an Old.

...and let me guess; he’s pro death penalty?

We just finished watching Stranger Things last night—it was such a fantastically fun, creepy, nostalgia-inducing show. Winona Ryder’s performance was absolutely stellar. Complete shattered vulnerability combined with the fiercest, most badass strength.

I love this point you made about Hillary’s intentions. Aside from the fact that I’m so sick to fucking death of her being demonized and derided in a completely irrational, baseless way by people at both ends of the political spectrum, I think you’re on the money about why she’s in it. It’s the legacy, stupid. There is

I’m very much pro-vax but agree that this is a legitimate line of questioning. While there’s no proof that delivering them per the standard schedule is necessarily problematic, it’s also not clear that it’s truly necessary to follow the standard schedule. There are pediatricians who will support a slowed-down approach.

I just watched (er, tried to) the first episode of the new season last night and I can tell you that this take is entirely accurate. I started out loving the show, but by the end of the first season, I was getting lost. The season 2 opener did nothing to get me back on track—I have no idea what’s going on. Mr. Tarth

Exactly my reaction. They’re apparently only making runway gowns in a single size—size 4—but there’s no size bias? Fucking hell.

I took that look the same way, but I keep going over and over Sansa’s reply to Littlefucker that it was a “pretty picture”, his idea of himself on the iron throne, with Sansa at his side. But I can’t believe Sansa’s character arc would bring her to a place where she would ever ally herself with the man she sold her

I feel like such a geeky fangirl but that performance had me hollering “YEAH!!!” at my computer, and by the end I was in tears, it was so good. She killed it at the Super Bowl w/Formation, but this was a whole other level of killing it.

Exactly what I was wondering. Gaaaah!

You just know she was *thinking*: “A girl is Arya Fucking Stark of fucking Winterfell and I’m going the fuck home, fucker.”

I’m feeling absurdly proud for guessing correctly that that’s Tahoe. Such a very beautiful view, le sigh. I’m so happy for Emily, too!

OK, but why can’t he say that her music is just not his cup of tea without calling into question that her voice is just authentically good? Anyone who’s heard her perform live, or has heard her vocal track separated from the music track, knows her voice is phenomenal. I just think it’s interesting that he