
Here’s the dick pic she was flashing.

Goddammit Tuffnut. 

She looks enough like Luna Lovegood that my headcanon is well satisfied.

According to what J.K. Rowling has published on Pottermore, Neville was almost a Hatstall (5+ minutes to sort) because he wanted to be a Hufflepuff and the Sorting Hat was insistent he is a Gryffindor.

They are beautiful. Quick—someone come help me find my own Neville Longbottom, whom I can marry in a garden. He can probs identify all the plants!

Okay, I’ll be that person. Neville Longbottom was a Gryffindor, not a Hufflepuff.

Thanks for highlighting Hurray for the RiffRaff! They should be huge, and I don’t know why they haven’t broken through to a much bigger audience; Segarra is a helluva songwriter, with a great voice.

i noped out at creamy - i don’t need that in my life.

I literally covered my mouth with one hand like a bad actress.

I saw her live last weekend. As the mother of a 3 month old and a two year old I can only say it was life affirming for me right now. It was the most cathartic thing I could have experienced and I couldn’t possibly thank her enough. I felt so SEEN that I’m pretty sure everyone around me wanted to kill me because I was

Everyone talked about the “terrible twos” in child development. Two was fine; my then 3 year old almost drove me insane. Giving free will to a 3 year old is a terrible mstake

At this point, I feel like it should be reduced to one term only. I hate this man-baby with every fiber of my being. I need to stop reading articles on him to save myself from daily rage strokes.

“If you’re gonna dine with cannibals, sooner or later you’re gonna get eaten.”

Oh, definitely. He’s a quack who clearly doesn’t feel the need to comply with HIPAA regulations (you don’t disclose what medications your patients are on without appropriate permission). I hope he loses his job and his license over it, and part of that is lingering resentment for giving Orange Mango a big rubber stamp

I feel nothing but disdain for him. It’s not like it hasn’t been well documented that Trump has been a con man and grifter his entire life. These suckers go willingly into his embrace then get a big surprise when it turns out they too weren’t in on the con like they thought they were. Fuck this dumb ass quack.

I’m just going to come out and say it: If you’re a man wearing a big-ass gold chain, the chances of you being a complete tool are high. Like, shockingly high.

I feel a little sorry for him. Dude trusted someone unworthy of that trust, and it backfired on him bigly.

I love that the good doctor sees nothing wrong with speaking publicly about which medications his patients are on, as long as he has deemed them to be no big deal.

Aidy Bryant got married over the weekend, and her shoes slayed.

Aidy Bryant looks ah-maaaazing! Love love love that the shoes match her bouquet!