
She lost any claim to the title “Mother” after this, IMO

Somehow, despite all that the 5-year-old had been through, a judge agreed to allow Naomi Hall supervised visitation with the child at the hospital.

I needed to see a woman kicking ass and fighting for justice, but more importantly, I needed to see her achieve it by herself, on her own merits, by being the hero because it’s the right thing to do.

My friend laughed at me because as the trailers came to a close, I put my hands to my face and whispered/pleaded, “please let this movie be good.”

In order to volunteer at any of the schools in our school district, you have to fill out an application which includes permission for them to do a background check. I am of the hope that ‘former serial killer’ would preclude someone from volunteering.

Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?

Not since Lorena Bobbit have we encountered a woman who so efficiently disposed of a Weiner.

If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..

This is so fucking disgusting. I don’t know what I want more, for Trump to actually get locked up for his blatant crimes or for him to rage stroke out and end the suspense.

Uncomfortable television makes me physically itchy, so I will not watch this, but the recap was a delight. Thank you, Bobby. :)

Yes, but blood on a cut avocado will prevent it from turning brown.

Someone “stealing” Mayer is like someone stealing your Taco Bell. Let them get the explosive diarrhea and be glad you dodged that bullet.

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.

She’ll forever be my Lil’ Baby Aidy!

Love her. “Do it on my twin bed” is an all-time fave.

I love Aidy. I wish she’d get a fraction of Kate McKinnon’s publicity because she’s also an MVP on SNL. She doesn’t have to do much to make me lol.

After using domestic airlines all my life, I felt like royalty the first time I flew internationally on an Asian airline. I had no idea flying could be such a pleasant experience before that.

Same cloth, different cut.

Hey Jezzies.

My dad had to do this with not just his mother, but his two toxic sisters too. After his dad died, he had no tie to his side of the family any more. I remember we were constantly either not talking to them or, when we were talking, we were fighting. 10 years ago he said he was 100% done, and hasn’t spoken to them