
I like Welcome to Nightvale (creepy and fun! I even listen to this one when I'm not in bed, but most of the time when I'm in bed) and anything history related. I really like a lot of the older History Chicks shows. This American Life is interesting, but easy to fall asleep to.. Stuff You Should Know is good. And

Honeydew is freaking awesome. The reason it always gets left on the fruit platter is because the catering companies always get these half-ripe melons that are mostly rind. I don't know why they do that.

my wife refuses to believe "fleek" is a word. She yells "STOP SAYING THAT; IT'S NOT A THING!" I hardly believe it myself, but teasing her with it is so much fun at this point.

Good question. Also — genuinely — wondering about an editor there that would have flagged this. I know not every story goes through 8 pairs of eyes the way they did back in the day (sob!) but just ONE OTHER PERSON should read your story before you hit publish, maybe?

I'm trying to imagine how this article even happens. Like did an agent (whose clients weren't doing well) call her and pitch this? Did she overhear some whiny white actors bitching about casting at a juice bar? Did she come up with it on her own and then call agents to get confirmation? And her editor said "sure, go

That's a boys job... What do these girls think they're doing? They should be learning how to make sandwiches.

"The robots I see keep getting smarter every year," he said. "We are keeping an eye on that, by the way. You're on notice, Skynet."

Girls participating in science experiments? THANKS, OBAMA.

his shirt said fuck. it's an obscenity. his rights end at the tip of his nose. boom. solved it.

Because when you buy a ticket the terms and conditions allow them to remove you from the flight at their discretion. 'Dems the rules. Don't like 'em? Don't fly Southwest.

personally I wouldn't care about the word "fuck" on a tshirt, but I do think that an airline has the right to enforce a reasonable dress code because the staff and the passengers have no choice but to be in close proximity to that person. It's not like they can leave the airplane or even change seats. When you buy a

It doesn't sound like SW recorded it— it sounds like he recorded it and gave the tape that completely contradicted his story to the news.

Good for Southwest for recording the whole thing. I'm not usually on the airlines' side, but in this case, this guy was a douche. It sounds like the flight attendants were polite and gave him a chance, and he's lying out of his ass.

They should have let him wear it and had his seatmate wear this

While I know there will be criticism around her writing of this piece— "she's self indulgent! elitist! out of touch! who cares!" etc. etc. I have to say that I didn't know anything about the BRCA1 gene mutation/testing before her first piece. It educated and informed me and my friends. This one educated me as well.

Pretty solid, Bryan. Maybe add something about how they do lots of volunteer work carrying little old ladies out of burning buildings?

Can we start doing a little contest where we predict exactly what these inevitable "apologies" will say before they're released? Winner gets a bucket full of the apologists' tears or something. I'll start:

The book was filled with jokes about rape, lynching, and racial slurs. According to local news station WRAL, the frat members also signed their names.

A walk-in 40... I'm crying. I'm crying for the server. I'm crying for the host and bussers who had to put that table together. How does a group of 40 people not have a single person in it that says MAYBE THIS IS A BAD IDEA AND MAYBE THIS IS RUDE.

On point on all accounts, Drew. My parents probably has the best method: X bad action = Y loss of privilege, and then following through when we tested that notion, no timeout, no countdown. You learn quick as a kid that you can try to rebel against that as much as you want, and then you wind up like a hermit in your