
I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

Beyond infuriating and the picture is just utterly heartbreaking. I can't imagine the anger and shame she felt and it makes me sick to my stomach. We should be past this degrading, racist shit as a country and as a civilization. I know the calendar says it's 2014 but lately it feels like 1814 instead.

Unfuckingbelievable. That photo is heartbreaking. Why does it feel like we are regressing on race relations?

No, it wasn't. It wasn't in any way, any of her fault. She's fucking 9 years old for goodness sake. This is absolutely 100% the fault of the fuckwit who put an uzi in her hands, switched it to fully automatic, then told her to pull the trigger. The fully grown adult who, at any point, could have said "You know

Not against the little girl or her family. Maybe against the range.

Already cuter, imho

You can exercise while pregnant, if your doctor says all is well. Pregnancy isn't an illness. It is a state of health.

I'm sure she has plenty of fine doctors to watch over her :-)

Isha, with the exception of the Lauren Morelli/Samira Wiley bit, most of these bullet points make me want to go back to bed and never get up again. Still, I will love you forever for using that Whitney gif.

I came here to say this exactly. A world in which a part of my brain wants to label a John Mayer comment as charming is a very effed up world indeed.

I actually don't hate what Mayer tweeted and now I feel dirty and awful.

OMG! let's make this a series! I just love it!

Love the first woman's outfit. LOVE. Every day I aspire to look that classy and put-together, and every day ketchup, cat hair or baby puke dashes my dreams to the ground.

extreme? Perhaps not.

If there were a channel dedicated solely to Stewart and McKellen doing whatever and just being generally awesome, I would sign up for basic cable right now.

Ian McKellan is a gift. (So is Patrick Stewart.)

Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, AND Hugh Laurie?! The Old-White-Guy-I'd-Pal-Around-With Trifecta?! That's it. I'm calling it a day, Internet! And you, work! Adios to you, as well, pants! FUCK OFF WITH YOU, BRA.

As someone who has been listed on their site and emailed immediately after by Yelp asking if I wanted to advertise with them to . . . "Improve your current ranking," I can tell you their claims are 100% horseshit.