
So they had company over while they kept a woman caged in the spare room????? And they thought this would go unnoticed . . . how exactly?

There's a reason why these two sorry wastes of human skin couldn't have children - Darwin.

Well fuck. I think we can all agree with this one today:

I don't want Beyoncé to be friends with Blake Lively.

lindy, no gif could ever describe how i feel right now. i need you. that last paragraph that you wrote? i need you to write it for me everyday. never, ever stop. i know, you're not going to do it here, and i am crying about it, but no matter what, promise, PROMISE, that you will never stop doing it. because i need it,

While I get and appreciate your point about the feet not being obstructed by untucked sheets (I hate that, even as a non-tucker), simply can't deal with having a restriction if I lift my feet. Also, there is the question of temperature regulation being made possible by sticking a footie out of under the covers :)

Pssshhh! Everyone with an ounce of sense knows that tucked sheets make it impossible to fight off/run away from ghouls, vampires and maniacs. Maybe you deserve to be bitten by vampires and die in your pre-made death shroud...

WOW. I am really shocked at how sad I am right now, Lindy. I'm so sad you're leaving Jez! You have always been a credit to this site. Good luck with whatever you do. I'll just be over here crying... WAH!

I just yelled at my screen, "time the fuck out, where is Lindy going?!?"

I disapprove of tucking. I'm an anti-tucker! First thing I do when I get to a (my) hotel room is to untuck that shiz! A tucked bed is a foot jail. I am not a mummy!

This may be the Goopiest post to have ever Gooped. We've reached peak Goop. The world can not get any Goopier.


Whoa whoa whoa - talking about burying the lede.

"Tomorrow's my last day at Jez, y'all"

You know, there is a joke to be written here about Tori Amos trying to push her Cornwall home into the sea... because she copies everything Kate Bush does.

you know - it would be nice to have a CONTEMPORARY image of Kate. so here is one

Madeleine don't worry about it. Kate is not only impervious to trivial mortal concerns, she also controls the weather. She'll be running up that hill to do a little cloubusting.

Dear everyone, this is what the teeth of large non=venomous snakes look like. Love, Your Nightmares

Plenty of people eat shrimp shells, especially in Southeast Asia. They are rich in calcium, among other minerals. I wouldn't do it though. I have a hard enough time with the texture of shrimp without the shells. *hurk*

The 4 kids are made up of 2 from this relationship and 2 from previous relationships. The older 2 are amazing people and my best friend is very, very strong. There may be arguments with a whole lot of yelling but nothing physical. It is bad, trust me I know, but it's something she needs to work through and decide if