
I was getting that plus some of Adrian's early works for Joan Crawford. This one is from Dancing Lady in 1933, released just a few months before they started enforcing the Hays Code.

This is an old Hollywood version, I think. Rihanna a future Hollywood interpretation. Both are stunning. Rihanna is absolutely, outrageously gorgeous.

And the look on her face just dares you to say something.

Absolutely, it seems that most people think it happens very rarely, when the reality is that about 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. And many people cling to the belief that common causes are stress, or lifting heavy objects, when the vast majority of them are from chromosomal abnormalities.

This is one of the why I find it so offensive when tabloids and such speculate about celebrity pregnancies. If women are pregnant, they have very valid reasons for wanting to keep that private early on, though I do agree that it is helpful to share these struggles if they so chose.

I am terribly curious as to his thoughts on his moron son.

I nominate a name change to Jizzabel. For just one day. ONE DAY.

How do we expect men to respect women or women to rise to more power when we don't respect our queendom in the same way that men respect their kingdom?

Any tips on washing your car in the midst of a 100-year drought?

"That being said, as a server, having to pay out of your own pocket for that ish also sucks."

He can dine, but he can't dash.

They can't legally do that. They can threaten but legally they can't make you do that.

They made you pay for it?!!! I've worked in two restaurants and in one of them we did get written up for walk-outs, but never had to pay for it out of pocket. (I think that might be illegal for an employer to demand in California)

I WANT to wash my car but I'm convinced the dirt is the only thing holding it together.

Jolie, I hugely admire your work, not to mention the cheerful and non-judgemental way you get the point across, so I am just writing to say that this is the very first Clean Person column I have ever read that did not induce terrible feelings of guilt in me. Because i do not own a car.


Hello, seductive bowl of ice cream before bed.

Can people please stop making Autism THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN IN THE WORLD OMG!!!

Praise his natural abilities but save your most emphatic praise (to his face, I mean) for his hard work. I hope this doesn't scare you (and it shouldn't) but it's common for gifted kids to burn out when things don't come easily to them.

As someone who was classed as gifted at age 8 and is now, by all measures, a total failure/underachiever, my advice would be to not hang it over his head like he is the one "supposed to do something impressive". Cause that is how it happened with me, and in the end, I was just paralyzed with fear and did nothing at