
Truth and I will add that my mega girl crush on Jenny Slate continues to grow.

I approve this whole comment.

Hugh Hefner is gross. Neko Case is a goddess. Kristin Cavalleri is dumb. Jenny Slate is hilars.

I really, really, really want to see a followup video where we get to see Emma Watson's reaction as she sees this for the first time.

NIPPLES!! Thank GOD it doesn't have nipples! Nipples mean it feeds infant others of its kind!

Thanks, Obama!

Anything featuring Kate Moss. That isn't expensive. So, basically Rimmel and perfumes. And I don't really wear much makeup, and I have one perfume I wear, so...nothing, really, but in theory, lots.

I got all the way to the check-out at the supermarket today when I realized I forgot my Honey Maid Graham Crackers and I left the line to go stock up. "This is wholesome" FTW!

Happy to serve!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Okay. My top 10 takeaways from episode one...

See, "Abortion does not compute with my philosophy" would be just fine as long she understood that her personal philosophy has fuck all to do with whether or not a medical procedure should be legal, but I'm guessing that's not the case. I mean, hell, vaginoplasty and Botox don't "compute with my philosophy," but I'm

Yes — not to mention that it was due to the 'Rains of Fucking Castamere'! The Lannisters are obscenely wealthy, can they please pay some people to write new songs for their house / Westeros??

The interruption was offensive. OFFENSIVE.

"What the fuck is a Lommy?"

HBO, you are the worst. You do so much ridiculous and absurd sexposition but then when it comes to one of the hottest foursomes of all time you drop the ball?!


Seriously. Did you see that part starting around 20 seconds where she quietly entertains herself with a toy in the background? Christ, that kid is worse than Pol Pot.

Someday I may marry or win the lottery but nothing will ever match the joyous tears I cried when I heard "Jungle Love".

That's why I go to old-people festies like Telluride Bluegrass.