
Leo doesn't have time to snort coke because he's usually face-deep in a model.

He did a great job and that movie was pretty fun but it was also kind of bullshit. There was this ongoing conflation of homosexuality with transsexuality. There's some great lines in it though.

You really have - he's been one of my favorite actors for ages. IMO he's up there with Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Giamatti in terms of middle-aged actors who consistently choose great projects and give fantastic performances. Capote, Doubt, The Master, The Savages, Synechdoche New York... just years on years of great

What she's trying to say is that it's likely that the 14% decrease across all auto component industries happened prior to Akerson's departure as CEO from GM. As such, his salary upon departure should have reflected that 14% decrease and Barra's salary is 48% of Akerson's, not equivalent or even 14% lower.

Don't worry; they'll show up soon to explain it to you.

I thought the wage gap wasn't real. That's what our helpful MRA visitors always tell us. They wouldn't lie, would they?

Kind of, when the only ones being curbed are women's. Yes.

Ugh, my mom was different - she put a lot of value on being thin but didn't try at all to instill healthy habits to keep a healthy weight.

I know the whole set up is bad and then the contestants are set up for guilt and self-loathing when they did everything they were supposed to do and only lost 3lbs that week. They never mention that small weight fluctuations are natural. Shit, when I have my period I weight a full five pounds more! What if I got

Oh my bad. I'm not fully versed on the rules for stupid things.

Maybe she's conducting a psychological experiment on this psychotic show and it's fans, who want to be "shocked" by how much weight the contestants lose. But where's the line between, "Amazing — maybe if I worked hard enough, that could be me!" and "Aaaah — this seems unhealthy, scary and unnecessarily competitive for

but I would assume this is your natural weight and hasn't been reached through starvation and intense exercise. and also, you are one person approved by private doctors. not a person being applauded and financially awarded on national television as a supposed model of health that others should emulate.

I hate that people are body shaming her, because this show glorifies "getting healthy" and "losing weight", but then this poor girl does what everyone on earth wants her to do and she gets railed. I'll admit, her weight loss is pretty shocking. 60% of her body weight? Wow. It's just — there is so much to say, but I

As a NC resident, I say GO CLAY!!! We could certainly use some compassionate, open minded political figures around here...

Fabio, I am the star to your shadow. Come to me, darling. I am ready.

Seems to me it's the opposite: skating used to be judged quite a bit on the technical 'figures' skaters would make on the ice, and only partly on the long and short programs. Now, it's all about the programs, and zero for the figures.

It seems like they used to have more fun with costumes and story telling while skating. Now there are so many technical requirements that it's hard to fit more fun elements into the program. Skating with a White Russian is perfect for Sochi.

The wrong line of work? Why should models have to change careers because someone is pressuring them to do something that is 1) unrelated to their job and 2) not what they signed up for? Any person in any career/job field has the right to be treated with decency and respect and to only be asked to do what they have

But the problem is that young models often don't have a choice on what jobs they can take/are not informed/expect only to take photos and nothing more since it's a photoshoot, not a bootycall, etc. Plus, who's to say that if these young girls walk out on the shoot that they won't be blackballed or lose work?

I want to agree with you, but every time he does a photo shoot with someone universally adored and a commenter says Ugh, I can't believe she worked with him, there are a flurry of "Why? What's wrong with Terry Richardson?" responses. So maybe they need to keep saying it.