
"Nothing could possibly go wrong here with the Christmas tree!" said no cat owner ever…

This will go down in the annals of gifstory as one of the best. (Also the fact that I just invented "gifstory" [gif+history].)

"Not dealing with that bullshit name!" was the most hilarious line here. And the fact that people kept being like "Oh wow, it really is Amy Poehler!"

Did you happen to see the recent "How dare you say Christmas was appropriated from pagan and other winter festivals?" panel issue in the last day or two? I'm constantly surprised at how ignorant these folks are. Like, they have to go out of their way to not learn actual things.

Isn't it sort of sad that a woman who gets assaulted and who admits to doing a really dumb thing two times in her life needs to do an interview to rehab her image? She needs to correct her public image while the actual person who assaulted her will basically continue to live his life as though little has happened.

way to kill my ladyboner, Damian Lewis.

Oooh, "fruity"? Damien, I want to think better of you, but that's really shitty.

Now playing

Oh, i hope Gaga and Kermit do "Rainbow Connection," but this version is hard to beat.

This trailer makes me tear up every time, I've watched it a few times today and I cannot wait to see the entire film. I've never been raped, but I have to imagine that being shamed and not being able to talk about it for fear of shaming is one of the worst things to suffer as a woman. I really think Linor is a hero

She wins all the awards!!

I think that they are just trying to convey the emotional aspect, that going through the legal stuff is really fucking difficult (she likened it to bring raped a second time as she testified) but that she still firmly believes that rapists need to be fully brought to justice.

What a remarkable woman.

Who is this Riff Raff character and why does he suck so hard?

At the demonstration against NZ rape culture this past weekend, I was brought to tears by the courage of survivors who spoke or wore signs that indicated they had been sexually assaulted and bore no shame. One wore a placard saying "I will never be silenced again". But walking amongst about a thousand other

I am in awe of her courage.

"Linor's frustration with the far-too-difficult process of keeping a serial rapist in jail chafes against her fervent belief that coming forward is the most efficacious thing one can do and her constant insistence that the rapist and the rapist alone should always bear the burden of shame."

I'm a little confused by

Oh my, I really really want to see this even though just reading about it is making me cry.

Also, Josh Hutcherson is hosting SNL this week you guys!

In less happy news, Miley Cyrus doesn't have eyebrows any more. I screamed aloud when I saw the picture. I am not ready for eyebrows to go out of fashion, guys, and I'm so scared. Please be with me in this time of need.