
I'd want for them to drop the modesty b.s. that implies a nursing mom should cover her child with fabric. Which most babies past the age of 2 months or so are happy to swat away anyway.

Lindsay Lohan is apartment-hunting in SoHo, and plans to have her sober coach move in with her.

You know nothing, Adam Bencsik.

Once had a cat that ate the tinsel from the xmas tree, and her poop would trail our her but on the the tinsel.

I agree that Nick Cannon's letter could have been a closed one, but I'm glad he made it a public thing. It's about time someone sets an example, instead of just openly mocking her all the time. Maybe others will read what he has to say and start treating her with a bit more human compassion.

I love that Kristen Bell is honest enough to say "I have to work at being this accepting of myself". I feel like everyone is always pushing self acceptance (which is great, we should), but no one really acknowledges that it can be hard. I just feel like its good to hear her say that its not natural for her, that she

This should get at least an honorable mention.


Or for the tentacle Hentai fans out there...

Everyone is different. I didn't want anyone but my husband with me. Apparently Kate didn't either. It just depends on the person.

Yvette Nicole Brown for the mother fucking win!

I was gonna be all like, Chicagoooooo represent. But she does make one hell of a BBC miniseries.

Se lived in England as a child, moved to the States, did X Files here, and then moved back to London. She's not all Brit, but she's not really all yankee either.

it's eating. it's how a baby eats. people eat in public, babies can eat in public as well. social norms dictate that we crap in private, so we take babies into bathrooms and change their diapers there. babies are part of society.

i'm still baffled that breastfeeding in public is even an issue. we're mammals, for fuck's sake.

aw, that was like therapy. i want to join their undies party.

Sure. I'm just using it as an example. But take any man in Hollywood, have him break his partners nose and bite her, and we would be so much more outraged. All domestic violence should be treated the same is all I mean.

The Emma Roberts story is reminding me how differently we react to different types of people. And it seems to be pertinent with all the news going on right now... Young white girl bloodies and bites her boyfriend, and we simply say, hey Emma, don't do that! But then I replace Emma Roberts with Chris Brown beating

I don't watch the view, but if Margret Cho was on it, I'd give it a chance.