
A girl's toothbrush lacks honor.

No probably involved. I'd bang him like a screen door in a hurricane.

Sex is best when idiots aren't involved. And by "idiots" I mean "you."

I'm not disagreeing that puberty means pubic growth, I'm pointing out that this theory about patriarchy trying to infantilize women only works when one disregards all other signs of puberty, and only when applied selectively to women's pubic hair. It's not the only change that happens to the vulva, so even shaved

Yes, I am actually familiar enough with my own experience to know who's policing *my* sexuality. It's feminists. Do you actually think I'd have any interest in fucking Bernie? No, he's clearly a sexist douche, and I'd like him to stay at least 30 feet from me at all times. It's normally *feminists* I'm trying to fuck

And the cultural standards of beauty that existed for centuries before this were not the same cultural standards of beauty that existed for centuries before that.

But if I don't have kids is it okay if I do what I want with my body? Just making sure. I mean I know all women want kids and should be constantly concerned with whether they are setting a good example for future children that they definitely for sure want... But if I don't have kids *right now* you're okay with me

No, it is not a ridiculous analogy - why must women have their bodies policed (and by "feminists", no less), while men are free to have everyone validate their maturity? Facial hair goes in and out of style, just like pubis hair. Your entire argument against it seems to be that because men's cleanshaven faces are

I really hate it when I see feminists who claim to know what is in someone else's mind. I don't shave because I'm ashamed of my body, I shave because I have thick curly hair that is very uncomfortable and itchy when I sweat and keeps snagging on to the edges of the sanitary napkins when I'm on my period. I feel a lot

The thing that was body shaming was when you said that women who didn't have hair there were like "small girls". It's horribly shaming. Body shaming isn't a one way street - just because some men make women with hair feel ashamed doesn't mean you weren't somehow shaming when you said adult women were "little girls"