
All of this.

you’re not alone....

Actually, Elle King is his daughter....

That is so not a good thing.

That is so incredibly sad. I wonder why, when she first started to show signs of depression, they didn’t release her sooner, dammit. Octopi are super intelligent animals—it’s no surprise they’d be subject to depression in captivity. As much as I love seeing animals up close, I’m starting to feel like I can’t handle

The noises those things were making are seriously going to give me nightmares.

i chortled!

This was so beautiful.

THIS. There were a couple of peacocks at my undergrad college and they wandered the grounds making the most ungodly racket imaginable. They’re pretty birds but I never want one living near me again.

Well, but the more empathetic part of me isn’t sure I agree with this. Even as a woman, for whom breast cancer is a known risk, the whole process of being diagnosed and treated for the disease has been world-upending and traumatic. But what I at least *haven’t* had to deal with throughout this nightmare is a feeling

Agree with the sentiment here. But as a woman going through breast cancer treatment, can I also just say that I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF PINK EVERYTHING? The idea that if a thing relates to women, it must be the color of cotton candy is irritating and retrograde. How’s about a nice, soothing neutral, y’all?

Word! I’m neither a big Coldplay fan nor a hater. There are a handful of Coldplay songs that I even love. I don’t really get the amount of invective that gets leveled at them. They do a good, solid job with delivering mainstream-y pop, and I’m not sure why that’s such a bad thing. Also, they seem like nice enough

I love her frankness about this. I work for a big corporation and the gender diversity at the Sr. Exec level, in particular, has been shitty forever. Ethnic diversity at those levels is not much better. Several months ago, I was on a conference call where our President from time to time does a bit of a town hall with

I’ve never seen that South Park episode, but now I’m intrigued and I’m going to track it down....

“You Are Not Alone!” —fellow Beluga whale in tiny tank.

Is there even another way to Walmart?

This is the prettiest, coolest nursery ever! I’m jealous of your baby because my own bedroom is not nearly this nice.

Thanks! I did chemo first, so I still have to get through all the rest—surgery, radiation, reconstruction. BUT I do expect to come out of this all clear, per my awesome doctors.

Props for the ELO! I love that band.

Sounds like you have a very solid plan for the evening—and you’re right about everyone else being too busy worrying about their own insecurities to worry about your sitch. Enjoy drinking in the corner with your HS BFF—that sounds so perfect. It’s making me miss my own HS BFF and wish I could be getting drunk in a