
Seh many kittehs!!!

Please do not set yourself on fire, though.

THAT was the response I would have liked to make, but was too inarticulate to come up with. As always, you are on point.

Add Viola Davis, and those were all of my faves, too!

This was such a frustratingly, disappointingly dumb thing for her to say.

This is one of those thoughts that should have stayed in her head and not come out of her mouth.

Please, someone make this happen.

I saw that headline a day or two back and it blew my mind. Who deliberately weeds out the most intelligent potential candidates in any profession? But it makes perfect sense in terms of the desire for mindless conformity. Depressing.

I just lurve her so much. That is all.

I have a funny Martha story. Friends of mine attended a wedding in NY where she was one of the guests. My friends were friends of the groom, and I guess Martha is a family friend of the bride. So my friends were sitting at a table during the reception when suddenly Martha, who was taking lots of pics with a big-ass

I shrieked with laughter at this and startled my cat.

I guffawed out loud at the one with the pizza on top. Gotta give credit where due; that is some absurdist genius right there!

Thank you!

Awww, thank you so much for the incredibly kind thoughts! I’m coming to the end of chemo now (just one more round, THANK YOU GOD) and am so ready to get on with life. And to do that properly...mama needs some break-and-bake cookies!

Her Taylor Dayne story is what made me fall in lurve with her.

This makes me all kinds of happy. Tig is amazing. As someone who’s going through breast cancer treatment right now, she’s kind of become a particular beacon of survival (as well as general awesomeness) for me. Anytime I hear about something great happening for her, I feel like it’s happening to family.

I have—twice in my life, in fact. And I *still* feel this way about Chipotle! In fact, reading this article made me want a sofritas bowl so badly, I went out and got one (insert satisfied burp here). Long live Chipotle!

Word. The one thing that sometimes makes me sigh is that, after having my first/only kid at 40, I realize that by the time he’s grown and out on his own, I’m gonna be around 60. So by the time I’ll have more freedom/time to focus more energy on myself again, I’ll probably just want to sit on the sofa and watch Golden

Represent! I had my first/only kid at 40, and that’s not unusual amongst my friends. Yeah, there are some increased risks, but it’s not next-to-impossible, as some folks seem to think. I had a textbook straightforward/uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery, kid is healthy as a horse, etc.

I think you’ve perfectly summed up my feelings about the situation. I, too, am committed to eating Chipotle until it fucking kills me.