
It’s not necessarily that the accent in itself is so charming—it’s that SHE’S so charming in the way she owns it and doesn’t try to posh it up. She just seems delightfully comfortable in her Essexy skin.

Every time she says “fanks”, I squee a little bit because she is so adorable I can’t even stand it. This clip makes me want to move to the UK and beg her (and James Corden) to be my friends.

Or “fanks”

OMG how have I never learned of this magical cake before today?

You made me laugh so hard, I farted. I hope you’re proud.

She’s freaking fierce and I luhhhhhve her.

That SNL appearance is my first really conscious memory of him, too! I must have heard his music before that, but that was the first time I remember being hit with the full impact of his awesome, gorgeous, erotic weirdness. I distinctly remember being both attracted and a little afraid of him.


I kind of like it from the waist down, but the top confounds me.

Nailed it.

This dress is perfection. I love this look. She’s just a stunner.

This whole look makes me need to go lie down and think about my life choices.

I started to reply, but then I read yours and realized you had said exactly what I wanted to say.

I promise to make the trek and bring you along in spirit! Otters are my very favorite animals. I’m partial to river otters because they’re basically like super sleek, water-lovin’ puppies, but sea otters have the upper hand on adorability. Especially the fluffy baby ones hitching rides on their moms.

Good luck with this. My husband’s father is a Narcissist, too, and it’s pretty incredible to see the way he holds most of the family under his thumb, and has them all convinced that my husband is the bad guy for refusing to play along with treating his dad like he’s not a self-absorbed emotional abuser. With respect

Family stuff is so hard—as is well illustrated by all the posts here from jezzies who struggle with (or have given up on) having healthy relationships with family. I feel you on this. I’m not in a disowned situation but my relationship with my mother is perpetually strained because she basically hates my husband and

Congratulations! That’s such an awesome and worthy thing to do with your life. Good for you!

I like your attitude. I, too, have grown to accept my fundamental greyness, though I hadn’t necessarily adopted your philosophy toward it. But I like it!

OMG, I want so badly to get a dog. I wish I could convince my cat to get behind the idea....

Thank you! Where I sometimes fall down is in translating that attitude into action. But I’m optimistic that surviving cancer might help me a little bit get past that.