
This. I mean, sure, good for them that they’ve found a path forward that can encompass the wife’s sexual curiosity about other people without requiring the end of a marriage that it seems like they both wish to preserve. But insisting that he was only really capable of understanding feminism when he accepted that his

I heard reports that witnesses said he was actually attacked by two sharks. Badass squared.

Shark nets are horrible. They don’t benignly deter sharks from swimming where the humans are...they entangle and kill dolphins, fish, etc. It’s a cruel “solution” that doesn’t necessarily even work so well.

I am desperately hopeful that he’s saying that because he’s supposed to say that in order not to give away any major plot twists for the upcoming seasons. Desperately.

I have to admit, I don’t understand the hate for Rory. Why so much hate?

Kind of getting a delusional vibe off of her. Like maybe this has something to do with her adoption of 4 African American children and wanting/trying to relate more to them via some cuckoo over-identification thing. While I get that it’s offensive, she doesn’t come across as someone with evil intent, but possibly

I made the mistake of reading her essay while I was at work today—and like 3 minutes before someone came to my office for a meeting. So much dust and pollen in the air today, apparently.

I can’t wrap my head around someone saying that to you. People, man. They just haven’t got a fucking clue. I’m so sorry you lost your husband.

I need to get this book—on tape. And then play it while my husband sleeps so that it subliminally inspires him to throw away some of the BOXES AND BOXES OF SHIT we have been carting around, move after move, since 2001. We’re about to move again and I just can’t. The very idea of lugging crate after crate of his books

PREACH. This is exactly it.

It’s a bit disingenuous to say that hand-holding is as sexual as this is. Two adults walking down the sidewalk holding hands doesn’t convey an overt power exchange dynamic. In this case, you have a woman on her hands and knees with a collar around her neck being led around by a man who gets to control her movements

But even if it is puppy play, I’m stuck on the fact that for a lot of people, seeing a woman led around on a leash would reasonably be interpreted as a pretty serious form of degradation and would find that sort of thing genuinely upsetting. I believe that people who engage in this sort of play have a responsibility

Preach! I’m tall-ish but short-waisted and I need the low rise. Not the ridiculously low, pubic bone-baring low-rise, but the comfortable-distance-from-my-navel low rise. Anything too high-waisted just makes me look even more short-waisted and feels like it’s slicing me in half when I bend over. I’m seriously going to

Brienne is not far away, true, so there are several ways Ramsey could be taken out at this point. I just really, really, REALLY want Sansa to be involved in dispatching him. It would be just and satisfying if Theon and Sansa together took him down.

You put into words a lot of what I’m feeling about both the show this season generally and last night’s final scene specifically. I was in shock and am still in shock that this was Sansa’s fate. I was watching with my husband, and as Ramsey ripped open Sansa’s gown and pushed her down, I was so in denial that I

Probably because she’s being asked about it directly in the press conference. That said, she might also understandably want to note that what she said previously was blatantly taken out of context, as it might have left the impression she was claiming to be bisexual when that might not be the case.

Eva Green - It’s hard to maintain eye contact with her because it’s like she’s staring right into your soul. Incredibly beautiful/talented woman.

This is somehow extra painful to read because Adam Levine is one of those celebs who makes me want to stick sharp things into my eyes.

So she’s talented, adorbs AND quick-witted? No fair.

I love when people confirm that a celeb I want to imagine being besties with is actually really nice.