
I don’t care how powerful one’s belief is in this batshit crazy possession shit, but how, for the love of all that is good, does any otherwise sane, sentient human being watch a child being literally slowly tortured to death over nearly a month AND NOT FUCKING DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT???

Never been to Coachella but the fashion photos I see are bringing back fond (!?) memories of Burning Man—where, for all the talk of "radical self-expression", there was very much an accepted playa uniform for the nubile young ladies. Plastic gogo boots, glittery hotpants and bra? Check! Brightly colored tutu and

I had my kiddo at 40, and I hope you do feel good about your chances! Several of my friends who have had babies had ‘em right around the age I did or a year or two older. A couple of them did it via IVF. Healthy pregnancies with “advanced maternal age” (as the docs unfortunately put it) are not uncommon at all.

Oh, I so feel you! I've been very fortunate in never encountering levels of sexism remotely like this in the workplace, but I completely feel for Joan. The gross dudebros were so beyond awful, and then having Peggy turn on her with the "well, you're kind of asking for it, dressing like that" bullshit made me

That is a fascinating thought and rings very true to me.

So painful to watch! And yes, Christina Hendricks is truly amazing at projecting the submerged rage of Joan's character. I so badly want to see her find a way to stick it to those douchebags.

I thought it was fascinating how quickly the "tools of the patriarchy", as the writer puts it, came surging to the surface between both women. Joan was indeed being a bit bitchy, and so was Peggy. I don't think it would have been possible for them to really take those asshats down in the meeting—they're well aware

So vile. I got a little head-spinny reading that.

...and we have a winner!

Also OMG I had never seen the nope llama before (or is it a nope alpaca?). That stole my heart.

We need all of these and more for that statue!

Where is the nopetopus gif when you need it?

So, I’m trying to understand what you mean here. You wouldn’t ever want your boys to become anorexic “because they are on the road to success in school and in life”? So...if they were not currently on the road to success in school and in life, you’d be okay with them obsessing about thinness and developing a

Well that is fucking disheartening.

Oh I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that Mignini is a raging racist in addition to harboring paranoid delusions about satanic sex parties gone wrong. After all, it was he who first suggested that perhaps Patrick Lumumba had been involved. It seems he might have been inclined to believe a black man had to

Shoot, I left out the best part:

You never answered my question. And the thing is, you can't address the fundamental question of how three people supposedly committed the murder together, yet only Guede's DNA was found all over the murder scene and victim. Because there is no rational explanation for that except the obvious one.

Oh man, seriously? Have you literally read nothing about the case? The lead Italian investigator is a fanatically religious Catholic with quite possibly paranoid delusions who concocted the idea of a satanic sex ritual killing, with Knox as the central instigator. The primary impetus for that literally insane story

You might want to acquaint yourself with some facts and evidence. Rudy Guede had a documented history—very recent to the murder—of being caught breaking into various buildings, setting up temporary house, stealing shit and leaving. He broke into the house shared by Kercher, Knox and a couple of other young women.

It is awful that she threw her former boss under the bus like that. I absolutely agree. She's talked about how she panicked and snapped under the pressure of the repeated interrogations. She was young and terrified—and cowardly and weak-minded enough to try to get out of her own ordeal by throwing her boss, who was