
Riddle me this: three people together kill a woman in a particularly violent, gruesome manner involving lots of physical contact. The DNA of exactly ONE of the three people is found all over the crime scene, on the body, inside the body. By what truly remarkable feat of crime-scene cleaning do two out of the three

The innocent black person whose DNA was all over the crime scene and the body, and who also confessed to the crime? That one?

If only

From what I've read, she didn't do cartwheels. She and her boyfriend were stuck in the police station, sitting for hours and hours, and I think she started doing some stretches. Which, yeah, might appear kind of weird to people, understandably. But she wasn't doing backflips all over the station or anything.

Is it me or is Babs here just ridiculously beautiful?

Yes, poor Kerchers, but the actual killer was convicted and is behind bars.

Samesies. Well, except I wasn't all that young when the whole thing went down. ;-) It bothered me back then, but now, the way she was treated makes my blood boil. And while I think Bill Clinton is pretty brilliant in a lot of ways, and I'd love to think that he's still capable of making positive change in the

I love This American Life but I am physically incapable of staying awake through a whole podcast. Except for the one that features Tig Notaro telling her Taylor Dane story. I think I listened to that one TWICE without conking out because it literally made me hurt myself laughing.

I just stumbled over this article, though it was from last year. This is seriously one of the best things I've ever read about the subject because it's a really honest, refreshingly un-smug reflection on how freaking HARD it is sometimes to not resort to the abusive shit that ultimately just doesn't work well anyway.

Sometimes airlines make the wrong call on this stuff, I think, but in this case they were well within their rights per the legal terms under which one buys a ticket. I don't even think they were acting as a "moral compass". The word printed on his shirt is an obscenity that many passengers would reasonably find

I've never understood the bad New Yorker rap. I think New Yorkers are actually pretty friendly—but just in a direct, blunt sort of way. There's no phony nicey-niceness. It's actually pretty refreshing. And every time I've visited NYC and gotten lost or something, people have been incredibly helpful. I heart New

In the AP's defense, though, it appears that Robert Durst also did it all for the nookie....

Doesn't everyone like to bend over and take a good, long whiff of the top of a table? While holding one nostril shut?

I have a kid. He's six. When he ignores simple requests or does something I don't like, I sometimes feel angry as fuck. Once in awhile I have to walk away from him or send him into a different rooms I I can get my shit together because I'm so infuriated. But I sure as shit don't hit him because that does nothing

The bunny video is intoxicating

Only wrong thing is thinking you'll be the only one trying to get between that....

Jesus. This makes me feel like the human species deserves to die off and let the plants and animals take over.

I made the error of reading some of those comments. I was floored by the sheer rage at her for daring to hold the hospital accountable—and the particularly nasty, often racist aspect to the comments.

TAL is a national treasure

oh my goodness.