
A couple of thoughts re: your therapist. I'm assuming you know that her father was a raging alcoholic because she chose to self-disclose a bit in the course of your therapy. I personally think it can be ok for a therapist to do that, within limits, because sometimes as a client, it's less intimidating to know that

I usually do a brow wax and tint together, which is $40, and I tip my stylist $10. When I just get a tint, for $20, I tip $5.

I'm so impressed with your clear-eyed assessment of his behavior. It very much sounds like he was looking to end things and when you let him know something he'd done hadn't sat well with you, he thought, "Here's my chance." Even if he did want out but didn't know how to end things in a mature, direct way, flipping

That creeped me out badly, too. The idea of the mom lusting almost uncontrollably after her own son is puke-worthy.

This was one of the most intensely disturbing comments in a sea of disturbing comment. So dad's girlfriend overhears him fucking HIS OWN DAUGHTER and "didn't really mind"?! As in, what? So then they were in some sort of poly thing with the dad??? (I think I hear that same high-pitched keening now that Adultosaur

the only help for this would be a time machine that deposits us back to where we were before clicking on this story....

Gillian Anderson is so ridiculously beautiful.

I truly try to be openminded and tolerant about religion, but shit like this makes me double down hard on my atheism.

I can't believe I am saying it but Lupita's dress is not doing it for me. I guess everyone has an off night once in awhile, though I can't ever remember seeing her in anything that didn't blow me away.

Aw, I kind of like this dress. It's a bit frothy, but it's pretty.

I always look forward to seeing what she's going to wear. She nails it every time.!

Whoever told her to wear this was being mean—just straight-up mean. Another perfectly lovely woman who deserves way better dress options.

This dress looks like something you'd find at JC Penney. On the clearance rack.

No argument here

Damn. Every time I see her on a red carpet, I want to hurt her stylist. It's fucked up that people seem to keep making her look as frumpy as possible. She's a lovely woman—there's no need for that shit.

This look is perfect. PERFECT.

sweet jesus, that cannot be real

i am obsessed with the shape of his mouth

Jesus H., this is the truth. But insert "surf Internet" in place of "watch TV".

I didn't want anything to do with my placenta—not before I gave birth, and even less so afterwards. But still, it occurs to me that the doctor and nurses didn't ever *ask* me if I wanted my placenta. How did they know I didn't want it? I wonder if you have to tell them ahead of time if you want your placenta "to