
Also, bonus fun fact: I took hella fenugreek when my milk production was starting to get sketchy, and it made me smell like pancake syrup. In a good way!

Oh my God. As awful and painful as it was to revisit this Year of Utter Shit in such highly distilled form, amazing piece of writing.

Now playing

This gives me major chills every time. God, could that woman sing.

Dammit. Haven't even had enough coffee to wake up properly and already a weeping mess. I'm going back to bed.

FFS, who would give these awesome dads a hard time for dancing it up? However dorky their moves, they're having a damn good time. I'd 1000 times rather have a dad who lets his freak flag fly than one who stands around, all stoic and "manly", and refuses to dance. Dorky Dancing Dads 4eva!!!!

Imagine if he'd woken up thinking he was Rust Cohle and spouting Rust Cohle-isms. Now I kind of want that to happen to me.

Um, the torture is DETAILED IN THE REPORT, Whoopi. What in the actual fuck?

I'm definitely in camp Rosario + Jenny. I also liked the one with Kristen Stewart—it was sweet to see her looking happy and playful. But I felt bad that she totally knocked that guy to the ground! And I felt bad that he didn't really get to do very much in that scene except be knocked down and look bewildered.

What makes this so exquisitely impressive is that, in the early days of photography, the subjects had to hold still for the much longer exposures. Which means that this woman probably had to HOLD this steely side-eye for full seconds—if not minutes—to ensure a sharp photograph. It's one thing to throw perfect

I know, right?

The descriptions of what happened were extremely vague on the parts of both LaBoeuf and the other person. These were not highly detailed accounts of the events with detailed timelines. So no, it doesn't seem "weird" or disturbing to me that the way they described the events were not totally congruent.

No, that isn't what the organizers stated, actually.

Are you fucking serious with this? LaBoeuf's comments in an interview are not some sort of official testimony. The tweeted comments of his colleague from the art exhibit responding to Piers Morgans' beyond offensive tweets are not any sort of official testimony. And you're going to sit here and parse their

I can partly understand people are struggling with the "why not break character and rescind the woman's "right" to do "anything?"" question.

THIS. I'm so frustrated and mind-boggled reading some of these comments. If someone had pulled out a gun and shot him in the leg, would that not be a crime? If someone had pulled out a knife and cut his face open, would that not be a crime? I don't understanding the people here trying to make some sort of fine

So sweet that you took a day off work and showed up early to make sure no on else took your kitty. Love is a many splendored thing. :)

OMG! I adopted my cat from the SF SPCA and even though it wasn't through the holiday outreach, this is totally making me think of how it all went down. I had gone to the SF SPCA to adopt a pet on a Friday after work, and I got there like an hour before they closed. I went around for awhile, checking out the

Interesting! Imagine a whole family giving one that "Well, yessss, i'd like to see more dicks" look. Frightening.

I actually teared up when I picked one of the donation requests off the donation bin at my office. The request was for a 9 year old boy who just wanted a sleeping bag. His alternate gift said "anything". I was picturing my own kiddo being in a life situation where a warm sleeping bag trumps the desire for pretty

I'm with you on this. I took my son to a Toys-r-Us yesterday (I know, I know...what was I thinking?) to help me buy a couple of toys to donate to Family Giving Tree. A week before Thanksgiving, the whiff of panic and greed was already all over that place—and the store staff looked straight fed up. It was so not a