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This was always one of my favorite films of his, and a somewhat lesser-known gem. I didn't even make it through all of this clip before I lost it.

I am so happy to be past that phase.

This is great to know—thanks for that tip. I ultimately kind of want to learn how to upkeep it myself (I'm kind of fascinated by bees, and my son is as well) but certainly wouldn't turn down help from an apiary society in getting started.

Fairfax County as in Northern Virginia? (Not stalking—asking b/c I lived there for a long time before I moved to the west coast....)

RESPECT for your beekeeping! It's my dream to start keeping some bees when we finally admit we're Olds and move to the country. I know zero, zilch, nada about beekeeping, of course. Ditto raising chickens, but I plan to do that, too. Probably badly.

I don't usually like lace, but giving props to the Olsens because I actually like the vibe of that dress.

On the one hand, they acted like dicks, yes. It's not the first time congressfolk have acted like interrupty, pompous dicks while questioning someone. On the other hand, can we please stop abusing the term "mansplain" as a generic catch-all for any man acting like a dick in any way? It's a witty term, but it stops

That is like all of my dreams come true, right there. Except the part about it ending in 7 months. But holy shit, good for you!

Good question! I mean, it's fatal; how do you plus that up?

I'm bawling now. Straight bawling. BEST rescue kitty story ever.

This made me guffaw loudly. Nicely done!

I agree that a ton of sexual exploration goes on between kids and is pretty normal and doesn't need to be automatically labeled as abuse. There is a difference, though, when ther's a power dynamic in play by virtue of a significant age difference. What Williams described did not sound like mutually agreed to

You were NOT alone in reading it this way. Completely lost my shit imagining the stalker carrying Louis down the dark hallway to Sandra's room. God, just typing that made me shudder.

dude, try being 46 and reading that comment. shit.

Sure I drew some inferences from your words. You said she clearly wasn't a saint, yet her family will no doubt blame Mr. Pickford regardless of what happened. So I inferred that, although she was found dead and hanging above him in a blood-soaked bed, you think her lack of saintliness is a germane factor in whether

Ditto! Although I'm about equal parts hot for Fox and Mulder.

A Very Brave Stupid Woman Is Eating Nothing But Dog and Cat Food For 30 Days.

So, in order for him to be responsible for her death, she would have to have been a saint? I'm not sure what one has to do with the other.

This whole thing fills me with so much fucking rage. I imagine the victim of this crime sitting in the courtroom, listening to this extended "there, there" for THE PERSON WHO RAPED HER, and I want to scream and throw things and deck that judge right in his rape-excusing mouth. The only thing that is right in this

Fair enough. p.s. I'd like to see that feral kitty in action!