

Eh, I don't find those photos at all incriminating. Supposedly, Goop, Bey, Jay-Z and Chris Martin have all been good friends for a long time. My husband and I are friends with lots of couples with whom we hug it out on the regular. Those pics honestly look to me like they're friends goofing around.

The existence of this gif makes me very, very happy

I just imagine Paula Patton sitting there, thinking, "It's not bad enough I had to deal with this fucker screwing around on me? Now he's written quite possibly the worst collection of songs of all time, and all of them are about me—and *that* shit's gonna follow me around for the rest of my GD life, too." *swigs red

Did he *really* think the best way to show that he's ashamed of the pain and sense of betrayal he's caused his ex-wife was to compare his infidelity to dipping a chip twice into a bowl of motherfucking dip?


I used to think raccoons were adorable until one nearly tore my cat to pieces. Those fuckers are brutes.

This was also the one that stymied me the most. Like, he's asking her never more to repeat the word "juicy"? Or is it the full phrase "juicy more" he's banning? What does it meeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnnn?

Wait: Michelle Rodriguez and Zac Efron what?

definitely should not have read this while on very boring conference call because I kept forgetting to mute my phone and was howling with laughter every ten seconds or so. I may lose my job, but dammit, I regret nothing.

Oh my God. I love it so much when people demand with much indignation that works of art and imagination meet their very own set of personal needs and requirements. This is one of my very favorite things.

As long as all three versions feature McAvoy, I'm in. Hey-a!

I'm so sad to hear about Meschach Taylor's passing. I LOVED that show when it was on and he was one of the funniest, best things about it. RIP.

Fair point—he is not alone going to completely reverse the traditional positions of the church, and it's not realistic to think he could. That said, he could certainly take the opportunities he's given by circumstances like this interview to demonstrate more sensitivity and progressive thought with respect to women

...and to this I would add that, while Catholic charitable orgs do a lot of work around the world, and while the current pope has done far more to walk the walk with respect to the vow of poverty than other popes or church leaders, the Catholic Church is an extremely wealthy organization. If they really want to do

They make tricycles in adult sizes, no lie. I had a friend who had one (she, too, could not seem to get the hang of two-wheelers) and it was fawesome. I straight coveted her trike. (That last sentence looks dirtier in writing than it seemed in my head.)

I'm not even sure who she is, but I give Alexa Chung mad props for that cool and composed response to a truly psychotic-sounding comment.

This is the part that completely did me in, too. This wins the internets today. God love ya, Jeanette Daniels Benziger!

When the mom walked in and Eva looked over at her with her rolled-back eyewhites, is it just me or did that look say, "Christ, is this demon *ever* going to finish?"

grateful forever for the phrase "MySpace haircut"