
Right? I mean, I've gone on that tour and I'm feeling a little ripped off right now. No lights out in the cell, no intense, blackout fuck.

I bellowed like a birthing cow

A few potential stories come to mind but for some reason, this is the one that's rising to the top tonight.

God, yes. My husband's and my 10th anniversary is coming up and I've been thinking that I want an acid or GHB sex night to celebrate. But getting away when we have a young kiddo...not in the cards. :(

Neko Case, i heart, i heart

What is up with his hairstyle? That is so wrong.

I'm wondering this, too!

For a second, I thought we were getting 300 eyeroll gifs and uh wuz suh happeh!

Ugh. This seems way more about the attention they get for continuing to have more babies than anything else.

Oh my God. I have a six year old boy and when I watched this, all I could see was my son. That little boy looked utterly terrified. How in the actual fuck was she given a 10-day suspension and not fired immediately? She assaulted a child!

I'm thinking maybe you two should acknowledge that the physical size and strength disparity that exists now just means it would be best to stop "playfully jabbing" one another. I get that often a man who's bigger and stronger can do a lot more damage, whether intentionally or not, than a smaller woman. But really,

I had a very awful moment when I read the phrase "skin hunger" and thought you might be about to confess to a desire to eat people's skin. While I am sorry to hear you're feeling lonely for human contact (and i have been there big time), I'm very relieved to know you're not a sorta cannibal.

this Rust Cohle moment is my spirit animal

Is San Diego bogarting all the good healthy eateries? Seriously, after visiting there and spending time eating the great, healthy food and enjoying the gorgeous beaches, I started perving the housing listings....

Seriously, this was the one time in my life I went to eat somewhere and thought afterward, "I want to open up one of these where I live! I wonder if I could be a franchisee?"

I discovered just such a Nirvana when I took a short vacay to San Diego in February. It's called Veggie Grill. They focus on mostly (only?) veggie/vegan dishes, with nutritionally power-packed foods, no artificial anything, etc. It was started by some college students who were fed up with not being able to find

Very well stated. I'm very happy I chose to have a child but I hate when people tell women or men who say they *don't* want kids that they'll change their minds, that they're being selfish, etc. I'm glad this shift seems to be finally (if slowly) happening, where people can choose to say "no thanks" and have it be

I love it it when people are honest about this stuff because that shit is real. (Although I have to admit I'm a little horrified by the *intensity level* of resentment, regret and hatred I see in some of these. The mom who says she "hates her son" because she wanted a daughter. WTF? I get being sad you didn't have

Bold move. You go, Ms. Murdock!

CRAZY EYES! OMG! Piper's going to be kicking her own ass for some time when she sees this.