
I wish I could lay the amero (?) filter (sorry, i don't know from Instagram) over my life, too, if it would make me look one one hundredth as pretty and luminous as Hilary Duff. I has a crush.

"...a much stiffer sentence this time around."

I love this recap and your brilliant read of the storyline. The one detail I couldn't agree on was predicting Margaery as being Cersei in 15 years. Margaery, though certainly a very smart cookie, and openly hungry for the role of Queen, does not seem to be filled with the murderous rage and absolute bitterness

Oh this just reminded me of something awful. I've worked for longer than I care to think about for a very white collar company. It's a pretty uptight place. The headquarters campus has four buildings and I have, over the years, sat in 3 of 4 of those buildings, and on various floors. In other words, I've

I thought the poop and vomit stories were the worst, but this, this is the worst.

"At least he did it on the newspaper?" After reading the rest of the posts here tonight, this is exactly my reaction. Like I wish I could go find that dude and just thank him profusely for having the decency to poop in the newspaper. Oh the humanity!

"a naked man outside tends to put one off one's breadsticks."

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Bathroom or nail salon only. Why is it that people think it's acceptable to clip their fucking nails in public?! It makes me insane. My worst story about this was a sweet-looking older lady who pulled out her nail clippers while sitting in an incredibly crowded gate at O'Hare. I

Is it just me or does it irk others that she refers to herself as a "kind mama", as though any mama who isn't vegan (or cloth diapering or EC'ing, extended breastfeeding, etc.) is, by default, in some respect unkind? I mean, I get that it's a reference back to the "kind diet" thing from her previous book(s), but

I was doing the research on cloth diapers before we had our kiddo, and although it's for certainly certain that disposables create a horrific amount of landfill waste, the amount of water and energy used by cloth diaper service companies to properly clean and sterilize the diapers is ginormous and impactful on the

only 5 poo diapers in your daughter's entire infant career??? oh my god, i'm so jealous right now. my son took what felt like forever to potty train. i changed maybe 5 million poo-diapers in his career.

It wasn't just me!

I'm so sorry! It just really straight-up sucks to feel forgotten on your birthday. I hope it's not creepy if I virtually hug you.

Nothing about that televised scene read as consensual by the end. But just the idea that this is the justification is revolting. She was resistant throughout the assault and Jaime explicitly ignored her protests and physically overpowered her. This idea that a man can ignore clear non-consent in the most

You make a point

You have apparently given this quite a bit of thought


I roasted one of those TJ's free range organic bad boys for dinner tonight and it was amazeballs. Long live TJ's!

I'm enraged at this sandwich and everything it stands for. And on a side note, putting gold fucking flakes in cheese or any other food should be grounds for incarceration.

Right!? Seriously, it pisses me off when someone puts ham on a grilled cheese and then still insists on calling it a grilled cheese. It isn't grilled cheese anymore at that point. It's a mf ham and cheese panini.