
That is beyond the pale of cute. And my favorite moment is when the cat just fucking cuffs the dog in the head, as if to say, "Idiot."

hell to the yes

Not gonna lie; I stared at this for quite awhile, saying, "Bullshit! This is an elaborate joke and everyone's pretending they can see a woman." When I did finally see it, I a little bit lost my mind. I shoved my laptop at my husband's face and made him look, too. Of course, he saw it in about 20 seconds. Gaaaah!

The point is, self-induced vomiting is not a "bodily function"—any more so than, say, reaching up your own ass to pull out fecal matter is a bodily function. (And now I need to go lie down because I can't believe I just typed that fucking sentence.)

Vomiting because you've rammed your fingers down your throat is not a bodily function that I'm aware of

This brought back some fond memories from a couple of years ago when my husband and I were trying to "stranger danger" train our then three-year-old. He always, always broke on the "...but what if he asks if you want to go see a puppy?" Damned puppies!

I get a strong whiff of the crazy from Ms. Headey. Intelligent and beautiful, yes, but also with a healthy dose of batshit.

I can't really say I've ever liked Handler, BUT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I love that she reams him for being the rude, shitty interviewer he is.

So very well put. This is exactly it. It makes me crazy when people looking at these situations express such contemptuous disbelief that anyone in that situation could just let it happen. The psychology around this shit is well-established and has been well proven in studies and by history. It's terrifyingly easy to

I don't know why, but this gif is really, really doing it for me

I'm not a Benedictine, but even I can appreciate the deliciousness of that image.

It makes me happy that there are seriously talented artist-like people out there who made these cool pictures for no other apparent reason than to celebrate the astonishing greatness that was this show. My heart is still palpitating after watching the finale tonight (no HBOGo up in here).

I just laughed so hard out loud at this, I scared my husband.

I was in your very shoes back in 2000. Congrats! LOVED everything about my experience of moving to and living in SF—except the neverending quest for parking. :)

Gaaaah! I can't believe I missed seeing this last night, but my husband and I finally steeled ourselves to watch 12 Years A Slave, and after that, I was too stunned and heartbroken to do anything but go directly to bed. The Adam and Eve trailer and Scandal clips are magnifique.

Goddamn good for her! As the article points out, the pageant world is notoriously hyper-conservative and retrograde about diversity and for her to come out as someone in that world truly took courage. I think she spoke beautifully about her coming out and why it matters and is relevant. Also, on a side note, any

Yep. That look on Beyonce's face melts my cold little heart.

So weird! I had never heard of this until yesterday, when my kooky "nutritional therapist" pal posted about it on FB, and now here's a big old article on Jez. My kooky friend swears by it, but I gotta say, she is also convinced you can avoid and cure cancer and pretty much every disease thru healthy diet alone. AND

sofritas = braised, spicy, DELICIOUS tofu. i think it was only offered in limited markets but they're rolling it out nationally. take heart! :)

Yes yes yes!