
I just pictured my weekly sofritas bowl without its beautiful crown of light green guac and I cried. I did. I cried a little bit.

I am all about Nicole Richie's hair. That is all.

Hurting myself laughing at this!

Analeigh Tipton, whoever you are: that was an outfit most foul.


I cried and laughed with joy simultaneously when her name was called. My husband did, too, but don't tell him I told you guys that. She is so luminous and so gracious—and at the same time effing adorable.

Seriously! Good thing I'm the kind of bad mother who let her kid stay up too late to watch it anyway. :)

that is an unfortunate camera angle to be sure

ordered pizza delivery early—before the rush. best move EVER.


If it were yellow, so would Curious George

Apropos of nothing, I clicked on a related link on the DiCaprio likes kale article (why do I even care if he likes kale?) that has a bunch of pics of a house he's bought in Palm Springs. It was apparently once owned by Dinah Shore and it's a mid-century modern masterpiece. I'm still wiping the drool off my chin.

You might have some of the details wrong but Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas are a couple and Tom is ill/dying from AIDS. He's wrongfully terminated from his job at a law firm when folks at the firm realize he's showing symptoms of AIDS and the court battle is around his wrongful termination.

Yes! His smile seems so happy and genuine. Perhaps he'll leave Hollywood and take up dairy farming.

I'm having a shitty week, but after watching that, I think it's all gonna be okay.

I feel like the universe intended for me to see Beth Ditto's advice this morning because I'm in a situation at work that is truly cringeworthy. If I can just focus on what she suggests we all focus on, I might be able to make it through the next few days without bursting into tears. Beth Ditto: Guru.

I had similar thoughts. Steubenville, anyone? The young victim being vilified and bullied by peers while the media and community wring their hands that the lives of the young rapists have been forever ruined? The college woman who is raped by a fellow student and when she seeks help from the campus police, they

why did no one tell me that a full grown woman such as myself could get a mockingjay pin? because i would for sure rock on, and not for the love of Sara Bareilles.

...and we can all go home now b/c it's not gonna get better than this

YES. those ones.