
Goddamn Goddamn!

I did not catch any of the Tara/Johnny skating commentary and now I has a sad.

I wondered about this too....

Oooo someone just took Introduction to Buddhism!

this gif made my whole morning.

Although to play devil's advocate...there are many truly great actors who fly under the radar. Actors who are amazing at their craft but never appear in the tabloids and are rarely photographed just going about their days. A lot of times, they choose to live outside of Hollywood and not be part of the Hollywood

I could never have imagined a dinner party involving Aimee Mann, Amy Poehler, Carrie Brownstein and Kim Gordon. How could the cumulative, insane weight of all that cool NOT pull the planet right out of orbit? Can you imagine the fucking waiter walking up to that table? I'll bet he or she passed right out.

"Imogen Poots". Most titter-worthy last name ever.

My mom NEVER bought real butter when I was growing up. Nasty margarine all day, every day. And then, as if that weren't bad enough, reduced fat spreads of various and sundry types. I still remember the first time I had a piece of toast with real, honest-to-God butter on it. I was nine or ten years old. It was as

Not challenging that this happens—e.g. famous people coming out as bisexual when they're actually gay—but I'm not aware of when this has happened. A number of celebs I can think of have come out as bisexual in recent years (Anna Paquin, Gillian Anderson, Maria Bello, Michelle Rodriguez, to name some), and I'm not

This makes me miss my best friend so hard. Hating the whole geographical distance thing right now.

I'm a Married and I still give zero fucks about Valentine's Day. I'm an Old, too, so perhaps that's why. But honestly, I've never in my life cared much for this holiday.

There will never be a better gif than this gif.

I am feeling her regal-ness but not that blouse.

Eight weeks! Holy crap. That's unheard of, sadly (in the U.S. anyway).

Bad parenting isn't a zero sum game. It's possible to be critical of Mia's awful behavior without simultaneously denying that Woody Allen very possibly molested his daughter. They can both be shitheels.

A very good point, this. Mia might be a bad parent, but that doesn't mean Dylan was not molested by Allen.

I've not seen Dancer in the Dark but was completely depressed/enraged by Dogville. And then I saw Antichrist, which was so cuckoo and over the top in its misogyny that it almost seemed like it had to be a parody of misogyny. After Melancholia, I finally sort of got why Von Trier has been regarded, at least be some

Although I have a lot of issues with Von Trier and his films, I did see Melancholia. I would tell anyone that it's worth setting aside your understandably deep reservations about Von Trier. It was bleakly beautiful, actually not hideous in its treatment of women for a change, and for me, anyway, tremendously moving.

I don't watch Kelly Ripa's show and am not per se a fan, but she looks pretty damn good makeup-free, even under the harsh tv studio lightage.