
You have no idea how happy this made me. Adam Levine triggers my gag reflex. When I hear his thin, nasal, perfectly mediocre voice in song, I want to bleach my eardrums. After reading those interview quotes, I think we could justify forcibly neutering him so that we can be assured he never breeds.

made the grievous error of reading this at work today. my hearty guffaws startled a few officemates. whoops.

Yes! This bugs the crap out of me, too.

Oh god, weeping with laughter reading this. Brilliant solution with the invisi-poop, btw, even if it did occur to you thirty minutes too late. This also made me feel deeply, deeply grateful that my five and a half year old son has finally mostly grown out of the tantrums—mostly. i remember fondly one or two truly

Amen to the folks lamenting the craptasticness of Tweet Beat lately. Are the witty celebs all sequestered together at Digital Detox or something? If so, for god's sake, someone smuggle some iphones to those people, stat! The posts lately are unfunny, witless and often illegible. Also, I can't even with the long

Ha ha! I thought I had invented that shit. Although I go with the inverted: "Hemsworth the Lesser." great minds think alike-ish!

it looks like they modeled her on Angelina Jolie. anyone else seeing that?

i feel sad for Crazybrows. someone has pretty clearly taught him that gay is somehow "bad". very sad to see clear evidence that parents indoctrinate their kids with that hateful, divisive shit.

i was thinking Howard Stern

Feeling this from the other perspective, although it's all the same stupid, limiting, ridiculous thing. My five year old son has a pair of pink pants—they're girls' leggings, really. We bought them when we were going to a friend's daughter's birthday party and her daughter established a very firm theme, demanding

i love that when i googled "Sami" after reading this, one of the listed sub-topics on the Wiki page was "reindeer husbandry".

I had to stop reading these stories, I was freaking out so bad. I lived in a haunted house in Manassas, Virginia for about a year and I think/believe I saw a ghost once in that house. But even with *that* experience under my belt, these stories FREAKED me out. I'm feeling seriously grateful right now that my ghost

If they can't afford a vasectomy, howsabout a box of condoms? Give me a break.

The more I hear about how college student rape victims are treated within the systems they're *encouraged* to rely upon (campus police included), the more I'm sure that we should be training our daughters to go straight to public law enforcement in these situations. Eff the campus cops. While public law enforcement

Oh, where to begin? I guess the fact that I still fondly refer to a long-ago ex as "Sociopath Mike" might give you some idea. He was, indeed, a sociopath, a bit of a con man, and a completely compulsive liar. He was also staggeringly good-looking and charming and attentive and had a lovely South African accent and

Stevie for the win

Sorry, not familiar with what Lil Wayne talked about, or what the reception was.

Yes. Though it's also possible that he's speaking about it this way because he doesn't feel traumatized or victimized by it. And maybe it's okay if he just doesn't.