
I don't think the point being made was about the legal definition of rape. I think it was about how a person is speaking about his experience, and there are an awful lot of other people saying, "No, let us tell you what that experience was."

This. Although I was plenty disturbed and disgusted by Doug Barry's write-up, and I appreciate Erin for coming in, rightly so, to take on the way Doug characterized Chris Brown's story...I am also *really* uncomfortable when people insist that the person to whom a thing happened should call it a certain thing, or

You and me both. Holy crap. In one of the previous comments, there was something to the effect that "it's all just part of a big fairy tale." The implication seems to be that because Madonna has a long and obvious history of creating and controlling her own image (duh), she must not be an actual human being to whom

So, um...there's the pesky actual fact that all of the fingerprint, footprint and DNA evidence found in Kercher's room was from Rudy Guede. But there was ample evidence and DNA material, which makes clear that the killer did not clean the room. Let's just say for a crazy minute that Sollecito and/or Knox were

So, um...there's the pesky actual fact that all of the fingerprint, footprint and DNA evidence found in Kercher's room was from Rudy Guede. But there was ample evidence and DNA material, which makes clear that the killer did not clean the room. Let's just say for a crazy minute that Sollecito and/or Knox were

The bizarre tone-deafness of the people who came up to Timberlake and interrupted him mid-sandwich was the part that struck me most about the piece, too. Imagine that that happens to you every time you eat out. Imagine that sometimes the people who interrupt your meal, your conversation, your attempt to have a quiet

ugh! i'm sorry that happened. i hope that was the drugs talking (not that it makes it any less of a shitty thing to say to another human being). wouldn't necessarily picture her as homophobic. actually i always for some reason thought she was gay....

Seeing her tear it up as Nickles on OITNB is a real pleasure. She's one of those actors I just assumed was going to end up dead before 30. So creepy about Brando, though. Guys who boob-grab sans consent should lose a hand.

This gif! Is it weird that i would totally have a threesome with Michael Shannon and Steve Buscemi? I love them both.

I have a weird knack for being clueless about the dates upon which awards shows are airing—and then afterward having to piece together what took place from a combination of online commentary, "best dressed" slideshows, and youtube bits. But I actually think that might be not a bad thing.

Is that a dress or a bathing suit MJ Blige is wearing? Whatever it is, I'm coveting up a storm. She looks magnifique.

You know who's properly amazing, James McAvoy? You, baby! That's right.

it's a tough call for me between Pandy Pandinkin and Pandy Warhol

I giggled at Busy Phillips' husband calling their baby Don Crickles...and was then struck silent by the profound realization that ALL babies are little Don Rickleses.

UGH. i won't look.

I read the "something just clicked" comment as a shorthand. As in, maybe he meant what just clicked was the realization that he needed to quit, but presumably he had to take some serious action to do the actual quitting, e.g., rehab, N.A., etc. Hard to imagine that if someone were using that heavily, they'd be able

who is making shit comments about Diana Nyad???? let me at 'em! seriously, i'm glad I haven't seen any, 'cause that would truly bring me down. how can any sentient human being not be impressed and moved by her accomplishment?

Although, to play devil's advocate...I've always though Alicia Silverstone's mouth is kind of crooked and rubbery and makes her a bit less conventionally "pretty". It's actually something I *like* about her looks—it makes her face more interesting and expressive than if she just had classically perfect features.

also, baby Pharrell is without a doubt the Cutest Baby Evar. (with apologies to my own son who, until i saw this picture of BabyPharrell, was the reigning champion...)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Lohan looks rather lovely there in that sorta winter nymph getup. I'd forgotten just how pretty she is....