
Okay, nevermind. I went back and reconsidered how this was presented and now, yeah, I get the snark. For some reason I glossed over the "U guise know that?" comment. I still read Breslaw's "Yep" more as an affirmation that Lena's onto something with her critique of mags hiding the bodies of women when those bodies

I actually didn't read it that way. Where's the snark? They just headlined the quote but didn't comment on it one way or another. I actually read that quote as a positive, self-affirming thing.

you're not alone. it's been a Tweet Beat Greatness dry spell for awhile...

love this viddy!

That photo together with that title = Bestest Thing Ever.

ok, a little embarrassed here because when i first saw this gif, i 100% thought it was Lafayette from True Blood.

Yep, I read these quotes the same way. A downplay of her success—and clever sidestep to the overly-aggressive, not-nice, unfeminine "dragon lady" label that typically gets slapped on most women who achieve this level of success in the corporate sphere. And though I don't really buy it, I totally get why she's

So I'm not a single lady. I'm a married mom, for shit's sake, and I can't even begin to tell you how sick with jealousy I was at the idea of hanging at home alone on a Friday night with some takeout Thai, rocking my yoga pants, and watching like nine Law and Orders in a row. Okay, so I might let the litterbox go

I had a cat that did this, too! Only it wasn't tinsel; it was gold-colored curling ribbon—also a festive staple of the holiday season. When I found a long piece of that in her poo in the litterbox, I freaked out. It was like discovering that my cat had a golden tapeworm.

Aaaargh, barf! The whole weaselly argument that poor, poor Lululemon won't stock larger sizes because larger clothing requires more material, and then they'd have to charge the larger-sized shoppers more money, and those shoppers are just so darned sensitive to being charged more, yadda yadda yadda. So, margins.

I remember that I proudly went to the mall with my first significant accrual of babysitting earnings (omg, I worked for $.50 per HOUR!!! And sure, I'm an Old, so this was back in the day, but still. I often watched multiple children at one time, all for the low, low price of $.50 per HOUR!!! I wish I had a time

Holy mackerel, but those are some attractive parents. Talk about winning the genetic jackpot.

It is framed and in my office at work so I can gaze at it throughout my soul-sucking workday, imagining a parallel life I'm which Gillian is my boss (and secret lover)....

Apropos of nothing, one of my most prized possessions EVAR is an autographed doodle of Ms. Anderson's. I won it at a silent auction at a Big Brothers and Big Sisters charity event many, many years back. The X-Files was new and hadn't really blown up yet, so I was one of only two or three people who bid on her

I'm doing the Vegan Before 6:00 p.m. now and it's basically nullified my yogurt habit. Because while I technically *can* eat the yogurt after 6:00, it never occurs to me to eat the yogurt after 6:00. Do I even still qualify as an actual woman? I wonder.

i stand corrected! so it seems she's Brit-ish. ar ar.

by the character, you mean? Gillian Anderson's not a British Lady.

Ugh, Rae Dawn Chong. I have no doubt whatsoever that Oprah is a Zen master networker/schmoozer, and that part of her drive and need for success/fame might stem from growing up in a culture that likely told her she was fat and ugly and unworthy of love and admiration from a very young age on. But you, Rae Dawn

I giggled out loud at at least half of the Tweet Beat tweets today. Not sure if this is an unusually good batch today or if I'm just for some reason more easily amused than usual.

I've just read a headline and seen photos which seem to confirm that Nigella left the family home with a suitcase (and with her teenage son) shortly after this incident. I hope so much that she never goes back to, or even has to share the same room with, that abusive asshole husband. And I hope that the other