
This was what went through my mind as well, viewing these photos. She doesn't look shocked or surprised, and this is not the first time. I also thought, My god, if he would do this to her in public, in a restaurant, what is he capable of when they're alone? (Although then a part of me also wonders if this is

So, by that, uh, logic: as a woman who does have a kid, i had better let my armpit and leg hair grow out, pronto, so that i don't have to baffle my poor son by having to some day explain to him that adult human bodies grow hair in various places, and that some human beings prefer to remove some of that hair. i'd


wtf? i've been following this thread (avidly), and don't get what you mean at all by accusing HermioneStranger of turning the tables on women who don't follow her norms. that's in fact the exact opposite of what she's said here. she has repeatedly and explicitly championed the rights of women to go natural, go



why oh why oh why did he invite you back to his hell hole of an apartment? he had to know how bad that was gonna look. i sense a bit of self-sabotage there. he was probably shocked that you stayed long enough for the crappy sex.

Yeppity yep yep. i feel the same way. Celebrity worship is so ridiculously over the top in this society—but equally so is celebrity hating. These are, in actual fact, living and breathing human beings. We don't have to like everything they say and do, but to crucify them just for having the audacity to open their

Nicely put!

I think you make an excellent and very true point—although I would perhaps amend it to say: "this is PART of the problem". Because women being complicit with misogyny is only part of the larger problem of misogyny. But yeah, I don't know why it would come as a surprise to anyone that young women (and even not so

man, there are some really great, inspiring resolutions/goals/aspirations here. i usually don't make resolutions because i'm so sure i'll just let myself down and feel bad about it later. but holy crap, that's a lame reason to abstain. that said, though, i am going to try to at least make these practical and

THANK YOU for the reminder that one of my resolutions needs to be preparing emergency kits. I live in an earthquake prone state, and since I've lived here, I've failed miserably to set up even the most rudimentary emergency preparation kit (store some bottled water, batteries and flashlights, some). Even having a

Nope, not true. Sorry. Where in the heck are you coming from with this? It's very straightforward. The biological father of the child is the only legally recognized father of the child and maintains his rights unless and until he legally gives them up.

This was straight up hilarious. "I joined a book club just so i could drink some wine!" almost made me fall over. Been there and absolutely done that.

No fair, Cincinnati! First you get to be home to the most astonishingly great fake radio station of all time (WKRP), and now you get this guy, too?

Aw, man! I swam with a few sea turtles while snorkeling in Hawaii this past summer, and I was so careful to maintain " a respectful distance". Now I totally wish I could go back in time and rub one on the nose just like that. They're awesome!

i'm trying so hard to find a way to read this comment with some generosity—to maybe uncover a point you were trying to make but just didn't get across gracefully. nope, still can't find it.

It's a completely flawed and inaccurate assumption that Booker is doing this in lieu of spending time with community orgs who are helping low income families.

Amen, sister. This is exactly the approach I took when I had my son four years ago. I already knew I wanted to give birth in a hospital given my "advanced maternal age" and the fact that a few of my friends had gone through hellish deliveries that ended in emergency c-sections or required other interventions. My