
It can just pop up at any time, just randomly. Not because you did something to it, but because it’s there. There’s days when I wake up and I feel fine, and then a week later, it’s kind of stiff.

It seems to me that this term is being used to describe the style of food, not to glorify subjugation. I’m not sure how else it would be described and still convey the concept. I’ve admittedly never been to the place, but somehow I suspect it isn’t decorated with whips and manacles.

It is going to really awkward for Ryan Giggs when he wakes to find Mourinho’s head in his bed and a bloodied Paul Scholes rocking in the corner while repeating “I did it for you Giggsy, I did it for you...”

I think I have a tendency to be un-outraged. Sometimes I wonder why I still read Jez because so many of the stories seem handpicked for people who need something to be mad at. There are plenty of real, rage inducing stories out there, and they are often covered here. But it seems like there’s a lot more of this faux

Maybe stop trying the “chuck the ball off the defender so it goes out of bounds” and just lob the ball all way down to your end of the court so at least a turnover doesn’t result in a dunk less than two seconds later.

I wouldn’t mind getting a glimpse into the writing department you guys actually feel outrage at this simplistic crap, or do you just sit around and think about what you can get the readers angry over?

Super obvious. Nothing has even been clearer.

“Dominated” is the wrong word to use. MVP.P won a minor tournament and placed fourth at a major. That’s about all that Korea has done in the DOTA2 scene in a while. Their (very recent) success in this patch is a surprise to a lot of folks.

The potato salad thing is real, in case you forgot about it.


Yea, but could you beat this teen in a fight?

I haven’t been anti-player. This is a unique and ridiculous situation for a professional team to have—which falls in like with what this site would cover—and I’ve expressed that without taking a side.

Bernie’s idealism is admirable, but Obama won me over in 2008 because he was willing to play the game starting in the primaries. He didn’t demand that the super delegates be stripped of their votes, he worked carefully to win them over. Revolutionaries talk a good game but there’s a long history of them not being able

That’s what I don’t get about Bernie. I appreciate his ideas, but he seems shortsighted and very narrow in his focus of events. He can’t see that politics is playing the long game. And that when you’re President, as much as one side hates it sometimes, you are President of everyone.

Garland is a moderate, but he’s not “center right.” If anything, he’s center left, with every indication being that he will join the liberal wing of the court on most social issues.

He’s welcome to disagree with the choice but implying that Obama chose a more centrist candidate as his first choice because he’s a centrist himself rather than for pretty obvious political reasons is disingenuous. If he’d said “I get what Obama is doing but I would have preferred a more liberal candidate, as I’m sure

I find this to be really frustrating. Of course, Garland isn’t the most progressive pick; in the current political climate, where even this moderate nominee is unlikely to get a fair hearing, a more progressive candidate would especially be DOA. Obama was/is being a savvy politician by offering up a qualified

Behold the look of a man whose team just lost and who just realized that those giggling frat boys were lying to him when they told him that everyone would be wearing this shirt at the game to raise awareness for dick cancer.

Here we go again.