In some distant future, you will awaken in the middle of the night with a profound and unshakable regret that you did not vote for Corno Pronk. May a curse be on you and your children and your children’s children.
In some distant future, you will awaken in the middle of the night with a profound and unshakable regret that you did not vote for Corno Pronk. May a curse be on you and your children and your children’s children.
How is Corno Pronk losing to a scrub like Bubba Buckaloo?
Also, anyone who thinks Jizyah Shorts isn’t winning it all is fooling themselves. Lionel Pimpin’s devastation of the #2 seed Telisport Putsavage is proof that Deadspin’s readership is mentally about 12 years old (myself included).
that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.
That’s Jamarcus Russell the next time he’s near a professional football field.
Don’t you think we should wait a bit before we put what may be a family murder on the shoulders of our political opponents?
Ah yes, the St. Louis Blues bandwagon, where fair-weather fans hitch their hopes and dreams every April, and then un-hitch those hopes and dreams later in April.
Blues bandwagon fan, the worst.
Let’s be fair. The Warriors have lost 9 regular season games this year, too.
Yea. It’s like how they keep doing all these Golden State Warriors articles, but I have yet to see any headlines like “Spurs Aim to Have a Very Good Season” or “Heat Would Be Satisfied With Eastern Conference Finals Appearance.”
That’s the Twitter equivalent of selling someone’s mom to ISIS for a Chipotle gift card.
Sorry, I meant under the age of 50.
I am assuming he wanted to write an article on an actual hockey game.
Can’t stand the smell. Instant headache and sinus problems. So, no thank you.
I have yet to meet an adult pot head who just occasionally gets high. Instead you will make plans with them for dinner or a movie and they’ll show up high. They’ll make plans on the weekend around the times and places they can get high. Its boring and obnoxious, so although I don’t care if people smoke pot, do I want…
Yet here you are, volunteering (read: wasting) time & energy to not only click the link and read the post, but then actually type out a comment. That’s gotta be at least three shits worth, so I don’t believe you.
“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”
9. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind.
I didn’t believe for a second that they were yelling racial slurs at Heyward. They were too busy calling him a “trader”...
Because they have the most insufferable players and fans in the game. “How could you not want to be part of this tradition of moral superiority?!?!”