She would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.
She would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.
by showing compassion for victims rather than suspicion and doubt
I like that there is a sense of community and shared responsibility in this ad, for sure - it's important that these atrocities don't just occur in silos and fall on the victim. But really... isn't it on rapists to stop raping? Am I a jerk for not fully appreciating this ad campaign by making that remark? I am? …
I am from Savannah and he was pretty close. Mr Helms himself is from Atlanta, so it makes sense that he'd be such a good mimic of specific southern accents. Of course, still living in Georgia, I notice a range of Foghorn Leghorn to TV broadcaster.
The though of having children petrifies me, for a number of reasons, but this one is pretty high on the list. What if I don't enjoy it or regret it? I like my quiet time, solitude and have a very independent nature.
I don't think any less of any woman who doesn't want to be a mother; I also don't think less of any woman who is a mother and doesn't enjoy it.
Well, the other thing no one says is that just because you regret not having children doesn't mean you should have had children. I am ambivalent about having children and people who (for some reason) want me to have them always threaten me with "regret." I'm always asked, "What if you regret not having them?" The…
My biggest fear of having kids is that no one would ever talk to me about anything else. I'm not that jazzed about the idea anyways, but it seems like hell to be stuck in some nightmare world where I take care of a screaming child, and then every conversation would then be about that child. I'd no longer be an…
marry me now!
Ugh. What an utter ass blossom.
I love you.
Magical, especially when broadband hit my area. Ten songs at a time, all in one minute...I was absolutely a-swoon.
I would willingly sign myself up as bait for this show.
I miss LimeWire and Napster. 2000 was a glorious time for pirating music.
After the drop kick, can they get a stern talking-to by some 70-something year old badass feminist????