Team Rocket Grunt

That flow is...something.

I'm surprised she was even able to see the movie, when she's stuck that far up her own ass.

He obviously has issues with drinking, though, and he says at the end that people shouldn't end up like him. Many people will try to act happy about terrible situations because it's easier than facing the truth.

My 7 year old can finally have that perfect dress to marry Mario in (Sorry Luigi).

How about a Centurion outfit and a bloody axe?

There is one where he eats TINY BURRITOS.

I hope he doesn't think this means he can spend less time with the children he and I created together one magical weekend in my Netflix queue.

That's what he said!

He did own it, though, and even apologized in what seems an entirely appropriate and honest way. I'm not sure I think he deserves to be thrown up online for all to mock and take as emblematic of some new trend in bad behavior. He made a bad, assholish mistake, admitted as much, and apologized without so much as asking

Is he going for candy imagery here?

Don't worry I'm sure he was wearing the period-correct clothing

Why do ab pics get so much hate? If I had a six pack I'd want to show that shit off too.

Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.

So yeah, there's a comment in the grays that says "white women". You might not want to click on the picture. Take my word for it.

I am also in support. I already have a black Christmas tree so I feel like I'm ready to go.

I am in support. Part of the reason I love living in San Francisco is that we have, like, 400 Halloweens throughout the year. There's Folsom for Bondage Halloween, Bay2Breakers for sweaty-while-running Halloween, 4/20 for wearing things with weed plants on them Halloween, actual Halloween...I've never owned so many

You are my hero.