Team Rocket Grunt

The school I recently graduated from is across the street (small town) from a private U that actually banned all fraternities because there were several student deaths over the course of a couple of years. The only reason my school didn't do the same was because it's part of the state system and therefore not allowed

Yeah, as freshpicked helpfully explained it is an official fraternity I guess, but if the school doesn't recognize it how is it any different than a house full of roommates, as far as school policy is concerned? I mean obviously it's still a den of creeps and there are systemic problems enabling the transgressions

The majority of frats have national organizations. The local chapter at the school wasn't recognized by the school.

I know nothing of Greek life, but I assumed it's an official, national Frat, but just doesn't have an official chapter on Wesleyan's campus. They probably did at one time but lost it due to being raping ASS WIPES.

It is an official fraternity. The school, however, does not recognize it as such.

I'm confused - how does it have a national office if it's not an official fraternity?

One of the reasons Dean Koontz's "The Watchers" makes me sob like a baby every time is because the central premise of the book——-dogs are given intelligence————just resonates on so many levels. I can't even articulate it but there's something about the essential dog virtues combined with brains enough to communicate

No, you don't understand. Their pictures are ACTUALLY being kept in a cloud! It's like in Hunger Games, when they display the fallen tributes in the sky each night. Just look up for boobies!

now all I can think of is sad kids being even more teary-eyed because of cut onions.

Whatever campaigns their PR wizards dream up is just going to come across as disingenuous damage control rather than a serious attempt to apologize for their actions.

I swear my dog experiences more pure, unadulterated joy when he's chasing leaves than any human will ever know doing anything.

You are garbage.

Domesticating the dog is probably one of the best ideas (intentional or not) our species has ever had.

True, though if it's a skeezbucket then you'd still want a condom anyway, because even if they're not lying, this won't protect against STDs.

What's your greatest weakness?

jackin it

i can't read your comment because i cant look away from the gif

I believe that is what he believes he was doing, and I agree that his version still makes him sound bad. I like Catfish in general, but I find Nev annoying sometimes because he is really high on himself as being this great moral person. I'm not surprised that he would describe a college party as "a night of