Girrrlll, you bought all THAT at Marshal's?
Girrrlll, you bought all THAT at Marshal's?
"How many husbands have you had?"
I LOVE Team Rocket!! My dad would always come in the room when we were watching Pokemon because he LOVED Jessie's hair.
It was the salad baby-booming post-WWII days of this great country, when men were men and women were wives. Obedient…
Yeah, I'm working on something for tomorrow.
Of course they did. The NFL, Goodell, et al, do not give a flying fuck about anything except keeping the ratings and money coming in. They don't give a shit about crimes committed by players until it becomes a PR problem for them, and even then, they'll try and hide the facts like a cat covering its shit. It's high…
I heard that if you say Lena Dunham's name 3 times while looking in the mirror your Twitter account gets optioned by HBO.
[puts fingers in ears] LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU
Shit's kawaii as fuck.
OK SO IT'S NOT JUST ME THANK GOD. Its soulless eyes and blood-soaked maw are really freaking me out.
They can sell me a pass to their HOTNESS.
While the feet are definitely squeee worthy, those eyes are nightmare inducing.
This morning, National Geographic uploaded a photo of a baby Antarctic fur seal and it is the cutest motherfucking…
That gif is cute but sad. Where are that baby's parents?
I find this article annoying on several of levels. Primarily, the angle of I've got to change myself so folks will stop picking on me for being different and some way other than what they value is pathetic. So please, at all costs, let me morph myself into your ideal version of me. That line of reasoning disgusts…
Pigs are actually quite intelligent. This guy's more of a reptile.