Team Rocket Grunt

If were back on the sex with strangers market, I'd worry about skeezbucket dudes lying about this sort of thing. I think a lot of women in long-term monogamous relationships are going to be pretty excited about this, though.

No judgement. I'd say it was her lucky night, because the only guy friends I have who are into Disney musicals are gay. You are the unicorn who reaps the benefits of bounty. :)

Plot twist: they'll put her stuff at the back of the Library of Congress.

But 'Y'all' is such a great word! I haven't lived in Texas in over 20 years (so my accent is almost nonexistent) but I still use 'y'all' sometimes. And the lesser known plural of 'y'all' - 'All y'all'.

My mom tells a story from when she was younger; she was at home alone while my dad was on business, and they had a chow-chow. She was taking a shower and the dog started to bark like crazy, so she hurried out to see what was going on. She didn't have her glasses on and almost walked into the huge wolf spider the

It's half-jest. Having a 17 month old, I know the half-jest well. When friends announce they're pregnant, my reaction now is 'oh wow don't even know what you're in for and some of it is truly awful'.

I lived in my Grandmother's creepy basement when I was 19. A spider lived between two stairs to the upper floor: I named him Pancake* and I really liked the little guy, would say hi everytime I went up.

Also, they copied the Pats who did that for Aaron Hernandez. COPIERS.

You get a +1 just for posting John Fucking Locke.

When I was younger and living alone in my very first apartments I routinely talked and warned the first spider I would see. My boyfriend at the time always gave me shit about it but it seemed to work. Like you, I told them my boundaries and warned them that I was deathly and irrationally afraid of them so if they

Sorry, hun, I think you meant "fortunately." You're welcome.

Now playing

Everything is gonna be allright.....rockabye

Look on the bright side; Statistically, neither can anybody else.

In a related story parents of singles hurling passive aggressive thinly veiled jibes bout lack of grandchildren have gone up 300%

I don't really have one (or maybe I do, and even the anonymity of the internet is not enough of a shield for me to divulge it), but I met someone with a weird one once.

I'm pretty big into karaoke, Disney songs in particular. I like to do the accents if the song calls for it, with Be Our Guest as Lumière the