Women, rejoice! We've finally solved rape, thanks to the brilliant and groundbreaking words of Rob, a University of…
Women, rejoice! We've finally solved rape, thanks to the brilliant and groundbreaking words of Rob, a University of…
Tracie, I've loved working with you here and cannot wait to see what you have up your sleeve at your new job with [REDACTED COMPANY]. I'll never forget the time the entire Jezebel staff [REDACTED SUBSTANCE] on your roof and then took [REDACTED SUBSTANCE] while sharing our mutual weird sex fantasies about [REDACTED…
This is gonna be short because I like my goodbyes like my birth control: nonexistent and followed by a prayer.
The comment came from INSIDE the web site!
The booking was chill as fuck, though.
Comment of the day damned.
Is the above a photo of her during her Fox interview? I think it looks nice. If *I* went on tv looking like that I'd be pretty happy. Why, women should be grateful for the constant policing they receive. Don't you want to be pretty, ladies? Don't you want to look good? Don't you want to decorate your garbage faces so…
There are a lot of people with abysmal ideas panhandling via Kickstarter. And then there's Holly Stewart, who used…
I guess you could say she injured his pinky too.
If I was a parent that was involved the first call would be to the Board of Health, who knows what could be lurking in there.
Oh god, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Despite all the controversy, Terry Richardson continues to work. His latest gig? A splashy Autumn/Winter 2014…
Dude, it's not about being weak! These guys strategize how to get a child in a developing country to smoke in ways that are no longer as effective here in the US. It's not an easy battle when they are flavoring cigs with vanilla and orange mint or parading Joe Camel around the world like the Pied Piper. I lost two…
"If anyone wants to hear me trash talk about this woman, come to my business. We can talk in the rape room!"
I think it is a sign of good character to not treat empathy like it is a nonrenewable resource.