Thomas Endesfelder

First and foremost I am for sticking with screens because the last thing I want to do is hold a fucking tablet or phone in my hand for 10 hours while crossing the pond... And no, buying a holder contraption that puts it on the space wasting movement impairing excuse of a table that’s basically at waist level is not an

Yeah I’ve had BMWs from the E30 to the F20, and I can’t think of one.. sind for sure not my M539 :D

Care to provide an example for your “BMW did it” statement? I can’t think of one from the top of my head...

The “I’m not driving” part is the only thing preventing this new “feature” from killing the business sales of iPhones. Because lets fucking face it: While the article primarily focuses on Dip & Shit texting while driving to the mall, there is millions of people with a work phone out there, that use it while driving,

“the Geneva Motor Show later this year”

The glorious 1.4! IIRC at least...

That damn 300 was a lazy god damn boat, understeering all the god damn time. Plus it was one of my first laps (of many many many to follow) on H2R! I demand a rematch :P Hell, I am sure I lapped the Tahoe last year faster than the 300 in 2012 ;)

About 10 seconds worth of Google tell me that Volker Koerdt, the name under the article shown, is the editor in chief of Auto Zeitung and the image shows the next print release. It is also available on their website without the fold, since it is also featured on the cover: http://www.autozeitung.de/auto-news/auto…

Y’all are correct. American owner, Stuttgart US Military temp plates as explained.

Usually I’d be right there with you, but I was actually shown a pic of it. To be more specific, the wheel-side bolt of the upper rear left control arm snapped off.

In this specific case, yes, it was called Cars and Coffee. But this one is so far also merely an annual event.

Now playing

Same event, different car, similar fail. See video: Although apparently he had a rear control arm snap during the drift, which then made him kiss the curb. Fail nonetheless ;)

Being German and having used FRA for several trips - Yes! Totally correct! The first time there I tried to make sense of it, didn’t work. Eventually I just followed the signs despite them seeming pointless, but it worked. Having used it multiple times now and getting a feeling for the building layouts, it slowly, very

I dislike PRNDL, I don't like the idea of going through reverse and neutral to get to drive. I highly prefer the Mercedes system, or fwiw, my BMWs system, where P is a button just like on the Benz, and down/towards you is drive, and up/away from you is reverse. Its the same pattern that all automatic gearboxes I have

Whats in my driveway?

No, actually some german media came up with the idea of calling it illegal racing. I am pretty sure that was just taken from there as a given fact.

Yes. But even the "possibly too fast" just means he possibly was driving more than the advised 130kph (80mph) in an unristricted zone, which is still legal. Worst case that phrasing means the insurance can refuse or reduce payment.

An illegal street race between a Lamborghini Murcielago and several Ferraris in southern Germany turned fatal yesterday, when the Lamborghini crashed and burned.

Do want do want do want! DO WANT! Can haz? :)

Who? Me? Where? :D