Yea, they didnt... my 92 325, 94 325, 89 535 and 92 525 didnt have different size mirrors, my sister in laws 87 318 vert doesnt have different sized mirrors either
Yea, they didnt... my 92 325, 94 325, 89 535 and 92 525 didnt have different size mirrors, my sister in laws 87 318 vert doesnt have different sized mirrors either
I demanded, then, that they discontinue the car to hide my embarrassment.
Most of the writers here got their start in more humble ways like “applying” or “writing a lot on OppositeLock.” I…
Do they actually call it cars and coffee over there?
"You need to be smoother," mentioned my friend who'd taken out the Lancer. I couldn't concentrate on it. I was in…
It is totally forward thinking on the metric of not letting people touch the insides. You seriously are supposed to take it to the dealership to open the hood:
If you want some more recent Ring actions:
Der 48 Jahre alte Lenker des Wagens befand sich in Begleitung einer Gruppe weiterer Sportwagen auf der Fahrt in Richtung Merklingen. Vermutlich weil er zu schnell unterwegs war geriet er auf der linken Fahrbahn aus bisher noch nicht geklärter Ursache über die gesamten Fahrbahnen ins Schleudern [..]
Unfortunately, the US media doesn't let those pesky facts get in the way of a narrative. Even if that narrative could be considered good and constructive.
Oh, really, smart guy—you’ve got a horse outside? Let me tell you about that horse. One horsepower. Questionable…
Let me rephrase this entire article:
Here's an extremely distasteful video of possible death via Hand Grenade being thrown into a Tank
I know we're a car site and all, but I just thought I'd share this super tasteless video about war, death, and such. As our American government worries about who's got bigger cajones…